Newborn foal Clover with Mother Chip d'Or

In 1985 our daughter’s Mare gave birth to a foal. Our son, who was 10 at the time made a picture. The quality now is very bad. The stable was cramped, he made the picture with direct flash so I did not have a lot of information. I really had to guess how to make the mouth. The foal still had a lot of the birthing sack and the mother is busy cleaning her baby.
The straw needs more work, especially around the legs of the foal and probably in the next few days I see more details to correct. Tips are welcome!


Is the camera picture or a painting made from a picture. If it is a picture painted from a picture you did a wonderful painting. So realistic.

This is great. Love it.

Thank you, not quite finished. Here is the original picture, you see I had to guess many details.

Really very nice! Thanks.