I’m collaborating with another artist to divide the 100 Faces Meme Challenge. In the challenge, there is a reference board with 100 different faces, and each day we’re drawing a character with one of the expressions until we do them ALL! A week in, these are seven of mine! Jesus loves you!!!
They are all great and adorable.
These are SO cute and brings a bit of sunshine into wherever you are when looking at posts. Jesus Loves You!!!
So very cute. SMILES!!! Lenora
6 more! I don’t think I mentioned that these are all done in around an hour or so each(some a little more, sometimes less).
I think I have had all these emotions - sometimes several days in a row. Thanks for sharing. Lenora (lilnora or ArtistLittleNora)
Well, thank you everyone for all the compliments! I finished this challenge, but don’t worry, you’ll be seeing more art from me! Here’s the rest of the 50! Jesus loves you!!!
@TheMustardSeedLife is that last one from Horton Hears a Who?! Respect for a fellow fan😁
I love all the cartoons you did!!! I feel like my general style is very similar- if not more inexperianced- to yours.
Is most of this digital?
Also love your interpretation of spidey so much!!!
And spider-ham and spirit:heart:
@wren07, Thank you so much! Katie was the only one from Horton Hears a Who, the VERY last and 50th one is Cream the Rabbit from Sonic. Don’t be so hard on yourself! We’re all on a journey, and if you keep at it, you’ll see improvement!
Is most of this digital?
Yes, they are all digital expect for Lego Sonic and Cat Noir. Movie Tails is a combo of digital and a photo of the paper I drew on.
Do you do traditional or digital art, and if digi, what’s your program? Thank you again!
@TheMustardSeedLife hilo!
I only do traditional. I feel like even if i had acess to a program i would still choose traditional because theres just something peaceful about having the materials in your hand but i think its so cool you get to do what you do and that youre so good at it!