My comic is in print!

A few months ago, I shared news of my new comic series, ARTLESS, in the post below.

Now I’m so excited to share that it’s in print and available for purchase as an ACTUAL physical book! (of course you can read it for free digitally on my site)

It’s so beautiful! :star_struck: Thank you everyone for the kind support and comments you’ve given me! Jesus loves you!!!


Beautiful!!! Congratulations!


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Thank you so much @Brenda ! :smile:

Congratulations! Wish you the very best.Love it.

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Thank you @Denise , that’s so nice of you! :joy:


Wow! I was wondering where you had been. This is amazing. I am on my way to read it on your website now!

May our Lord Jesus bless the work of your hands!!


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@TLP , thank you so much! Yes, I don’t share ALL of my art here (that’d be a lot! :sweat_smile: ) but I post on my website pretty often, if you’re ever curious what I’ve been creating! Again, thank you and please enjoy it! :smile: