25 days to better drawing - my attemps

Good morning
I started the course and added another picture. So here a my first attempts, after several years of not drawing…


Very well done. You did a good job in all of these

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I’d say that you haven’t lost your drawing touch! Looking forward to see more in the future :smile:

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Looking good. Practice is the key to success. I love the smooth wet texture you captured in the eye.
Terri Robichon

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Hello KristenJ,

It looks like you did not forget much over the years. I really enjoyed this course and learned so much from it.

Like Matt always says, practice, practice, practice is the key to success in our art endeavors. Will watch for more pieces, you did a great job on all of these.


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They’re all amazing! I really love the eye, you captured so much value! Glad that you’re drawing again! :smile: :100: :pencil2:

Thank you all so much. It feels so good, getting so nice comments.
The course encouraged me to use darker tones. In the past I was a bit feared to get to much pressure/beeing to dark.

I would like to share some older drawings (graphite/pastel)s if you don´t mind… (I have to get into the details on this forum to find a better topic)

The Charly Chaplin one is pastels and not so easy to photograph as it is in a glass frame…

I used just graphite pencils and in some cases cheap marker in different grey tones…