Animals in pastel

Just starting out in pastels and having a lot of fun with it.
It’s very different to watercolor witch I normally do


Here’s no 2


Hello @Hlyseggen

Great job with the fur, with the whole picture of both cat and dog. Very impressive! I love soft pastels :two_hearts:. Thank you for sharing. Please keep posting your work.


Thank you so much , it’s means a lot

Here’s the parrot .Managed to misplace the foot, so I added the second one to create balance.
Struggled with this one, but think it came out ok,


Hello Heidi -
Nice to have you here at The Virtual Instructor on the Forum. Like you, watercolor is one of my favorite mediums, but membership here is a great way to experiment and learn pretty much any media that is out there. This is a wonderful drawing and the facial details of the cat are well done.

Terri Robichon

Hi Heidi - Another one that is well-done. I like the fur details on your dog and the range of values is quite nice.

Terri Robichon

Hello Heidi - The best way to learn is a good challenge. I can see that the details you’ve achieved on the bird are not quite as refined as in your other two drawings. Look at Matt’s finished drawing from the lesson and compare it to yours. The bill of your bird is missing the stronger highlights and the darkest values are lacking the strong punch. As a result it is harder to see the shape/form of the bill. It looks a little flat. Also the shading on the yellow breast is less defined. Don’t get me wrong, this is a strong drawing, but I’m just trying to help you step back and evaluate how to make it even better. I watch all of the Members Minute critiques every week. They are only about a 1/2 hour long and they are great at teaching many things, including paying attention to value. Hope this is helpful.

Terri Robichon

Thank you for Tor kind comments and tips
Both are greatly appreciated

1 Like

Wow! Beautiful job!


Thank you so much, l appreciate it