Bluejay using Pan Pastels and Polychromos Pencils

This is from the Three Little Birds course. The Bluejay is done with Pan Pastels for the background and polychromos pencils for the bird and twig.

I feel rather exhausted after finishing it. Is it really finished? Do I need to continue working on it? This is the conversation in my head. LOL!!!



LOL, that question is the artists dilemma! The bird is so vibrant AND detailed, really, really, nice!


Thank you! I really loved doing this one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That is magnificent. I recently came across an artist who said that you should stop working on a piece when it is not quite finished. If you continue you may cross that line where it is ruined.

It looks finished to me. It is magnificent! Well done. :slight_smile:

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Wow that is incredible :slight_smile:

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Love it! Amazing job. I did that course and had so much fun. I struggle in the opposite way - finish before I should! lol

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Well done. I can look at my work from years ago and say umm maybe I can tweek it some. LOL the struggle is real. Again nicely done.

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Don’t touch it! It is perfect as it is, at least as far as I’m concerned. Great job!

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Thank you, Ginny!! I appreciate your enthusiasm! I have overworked a piece so many times because I just wouldn’t ever consider it really finished. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your comment, @Dannomiss! I thoroughly enjoyed the process, and I believe the polychromos pencils may have leveled up as my favorite colored pencil medium. And the pan pastels are amazing.


Hi June. Thanks for your comments! I have been known to put down the tools before I should as well. That usually indicates I’ve gotten bored and unhappy with what I’m doing… However, I always have to work through that place I get to with almost every piece when I want to throw it in the trash!


Thanks Thomas! I hesitate to get out my work from years past. But, I have a graphite drawing of an old, gnarly cedar tree that I framed years ago. I see it every day and think, “I should pull that and really finish it!” The values are so not dark and/or light enough. It might be really stunning if I “finished” it.


@sterlingsiam, I’ve lived with it for about 24 hours now, and I love it more every time I look at it, so I think I’m convinced it “might” be finished. But, wait, doesn’t the background need more work? LOL!!! I really appreciate your positive comments. This forum certainly does help reach these decisions. Thanks again.


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