Getting silly today

I got bored doing normal. My son is the subject. I used graphite for the drawing and charcoal for the background. Any & all comments/critique are welcomed.


Hi , looks like you had fun with that and an antidote to boredom :smile: ! What’s next @1kidneyJD James ?!

Hi @1kidneyJD Jim

Missed seeing you lately. I love your creative sense of humor. Like it. Thanks for sharing with us.

Terri Robichon

Hello @1kidneyJD,

That is a fun portrait, how did you come up with the idea of a wobbly portrait?! I love it! :star_struck:

Sonia Alonzo

Hello Trevor, I had fun with this. What’s next? Working on how I can incorporate a 3D portrait with a 5 point perspective drawing. That’s for 2025.

Hello Terri, I missed being part of the conversation. I am the “typical” male who cannot multitask. I took a few classes on the US Constitution, the founding fathers & reading the Federalist Papers. Thank you for your comments.

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Hello Sonia, I do everything using the grid method, one day I said to myself, self you can follow a straight line how about an s-curve line, vertically & horizontally. There were a lot of erasure marks that I had to hide. Thank you,


5 pt perspective eh :hushed: (… note to self … look for perspective tutorial …)

Commonly called fish eye


There is a live lesson that Ashley did with the drawing in a big circle. It’s called the Art of Distortion. Check it out. He used a grid approach for that one too.

Terri Robichon

@1kidneyJD Hello Jim,

Looks like you are going a little Pablo Picasso!

You would not want to see any of my attempts at such creativity. Well done,

Teri (w1r)

I watched all ten lessons when it was live. This is the one that I started my research into the different perspectives which led to artists doing 3D. I am practicing, nothing to show yet. Thank you!

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Hey Teri, I bet I would want to see your attempts. I am sure there would be something I could learn from you. Thank you.