How not to overwork polychromos

Hi, it’s been awhile.
I tried to get back into drawing. I would like to use polychromos more but they either get a greyish tone or overwork pretty easily.
I can’t use blending solution so I want to use them pure. I don’t want to combine them with other brands either. Tips appreciated

I think you are on the right track. Keep up the good work.

Hi @Jennilein -

Getting back to drawing is a good thing. Since I believe the Faber Castell - Polychromos colored pencils are oil based, solvent is usually best way to blend them. They are also harder than a wax based pencil so that makes them a little more difficult to blend also.

One thing that might help, especially with the lighter and brighter colors is to start with an initial layer of something light (maybe even white or light grey). Then apply your colors on top of that base coat. That should give you something to start blending and will keep the colors more vibrant (and less likely to get greyish). Give it a try on some scrap paper and let us know here if that helped.

Also, the paper you use could have a huge impact on how many layers it will accept (which could impact the overworked issue). The secret to a successful colored pencil drawing is lots of layers.

Terri Robichon