I figured that I might as well keep going and finish the third drawing also that was the homework. I think my lady number two lost a lot of weight. Pretty funny. I had a good time with this. Hope some more of you post also.
Terri Robichon
I figured that I might as well keep going and finish the third drawing also that was the homework. I think my lady number two lost a lot of weight. Pretty funny. I had a good time with this. Hope some more of you post also.
Terri Robichon
Great job, Terri! I will post mine when I get the third one done. Way to persevere! I don’t think the ladies in my first two drawings are even related.
Oh my. This was so hard. And my lady shrank in the last drawing. I think I have 6 values, but not in all the right places. And the head tilt still isn’t right! Better than the first two though. She looks bearded in the first drawing!
These look great! I’ll try and finish mine today.
Brenda - congratulations to doing all three. Definitely not easy in such a short period of time. I still liked the challenge and concepts taught were useful.
Terri Robichon
Well done June. Thanks for sharing. You did a lot better with the head tilt than me.
Terri Robichon
Thanks, Terri. I really enjoyed this exercise. My least favorite thing to do is draw with a time limit. But I made myself stick to it and just thought about what the purpose was — value.
Great job, June!! That head tilt seemed impossible for me. I got close but did not conquer it. Your drawings are terrific. I loved doing this and kinda hope we do it more often.
Everyone your third ladies look great!
I really enjoy seeing the different personalities that come out with each artists work. I will try to finish my third lady today or tomorrow.
Not feeling so good today but will get it done. Like Terri said, the lesson concepts and the way they were taught was really helpful.
Again, great job all!
Hi Brenda - I’m totally with you about not liking time limits. I’ve even considered doing this again on my own time frame. Decided against it because I have too many other things I’m already in the middle of (like the previous live lesson pastel drawing). I’m retired and still don’t have enough hours in the day.
Terri Robichon
I LOVE time limits! haha. I definitely think I am the minority with that one.
Also love seeing how all our drawings are so different but also we all did a great job!
Hello all,
Here is my unimpressive attempt at this exercise. I have not done any portraits, well one in progress in ink so this turned out a bit well, umm, like throwing it in the trash, but I really do like value studies.
This looks like I used completely different model references.
Hi Teri - This drawing exercise was difficult, so I applaud all of us that did it (including the homework 3rd drawing) and posted our results here. You are totally understanding the concept of how to use “value” in your work, and that was the point.
Terri Robichon
You did it! that’s the important part . None of mine looked the same either. You definitely got the hair down. And the values were done very well. Great job! I had so much fun with this one and it certainly was a BIG challenge!
Thank you Terri,
I did really enjoy this exercise and think to do it again with a subject I am more familiar with or even just not a portrait I would enjoy it more. And yes, as you said with my own time limits!
I do find the concept of value and how it has improved my artwork fascinating, something I did not think about, well, all the concepts that I did not think about or even know before joining the VI. I self-taught when I contracted Lyme and I look back at some things and see they already made sense to me. So, all the reinforcement I can I want to learn.
Hi Teri,
Great job with your statue drawing with different values.
I once did prepare a same kind of training material using a rose as the subject.
I guess a rose is much easier than the statue to study and grasp how values affect your drawings.
If you are going to try this practice again, my materials might be of some help for you.
Material #1 rose outline: you can download and print it to start with. Because this is a value practice, not a contour line practice, you don’t need to struggle with the initial outline drawing. I prepared this material so that you can focus on values study alone.
Material #2 practice manual: First, try to complete your drawing by adding the darkest dark only so that your drawing looks like the second one. Then add some grey parts so that your drawing looks like the third example.
Hope this helps.
I’ll also share the relevant forum topic I’ve posted before.
This is wonderful information. The lesso was really fun to do with Matt, just not the area I have experience in so to use your rose is a wonderful idea. Is there a place that I can download this information from?
Remember, I am not always very tech savvy. If not I am sure that I can find one here amidst my resources.
I really enjoy looking for value in artwork and have learned to look in current pieces I create.
Again, thank you.
I figured it out!!