Live Lesson Drawing Exercise

Hi Teri,

Great job with your statue drawing with different values.
I once did prepare a same kind of training material using a rose as the subject.
I guess a rose is much easier than the statue to study and grasp how values affect your drawings.
If you are going to try this practice again, my materials might be of some help for you.

Material #1 rose outline: you can download and print it to start with. Because this is a value practice, not a contour line practice, you don’t need to struggle with the initial outline drawing. I prepared this material so that you can focus on values study alone.

Material #2 practice manual: First, try to complete your drawing by adding the darkest dark only so that your drawing looks like the second one. Then add some grey parts so that your drawing looks like the third example.

Hope this helps.
I’ll also share the relevant forum topic I’ve posted before.