Pastel painting

Hey, this is my new painting - peppers in my sister’s garden. It’s a soft pastel on Pastelmat. I hope you like it :slight_smile:


This is gorgeous. What a great job with the pastels.

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Very nice. Your picture inspires me to continue the process

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May I ask how you started the process… drawing, sketch, free hand? Did you just start drawing with the pastels?

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Thanks, that’s very kind of you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Frankie, thank you for the nice comment. I am glad that I can be an inspiration to others. Coming back to your question… I always start with sketching, I use dark pencil pastels for the initial sketch. Then, I start applying colors starting from the darkest going to the lightest tones.
It sounds like a good plan, but in the process I often do something spontaneous, I do not sketch each leaf, only the main composition,
so many elements are created during painting :wink:

Great work, Denise. I especially like your color choices in the leaves and background. What size is your format?

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Anna, another lovely painting. I love your style.

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This is very nice, beautiful!

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