Pineapple in Charcoal

So more on the gestures…I did these 4 gestures (20 minutes each) and picked action themes that were similar in theme and arranged on one 18"×24" sheet to try to relate them as if they were moving together, but yet acting totally independently. This was a fun excercise, but 20 minutes goes by really fast.


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Hi Lenet. Do you have reference photos that you work from? Can’t imagine you can do this from your imagination.

Terri Robichon

Hello Terri @robichon , I used 4 references that I roughly laid out to get a general layout.


Terri @robichon , the previous two posted yesterday were from references on YouTube from a live posing session.


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Thanks @lenetg137 . I was going to be really intimidated if you had no reference photos. :smile::smile::smile:


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Hello Lenet @lenetg37

Your welcome.

You are correct about the project. It is helping me in so many ways, techniques, composition, what to leave in or take out, medium that works best, etc.

Your encouragement is appreciated. Thank you,

Teri (w 1r)