Taking better photos

I have an obsession with taking pictures of clouds. Not a photographer bone in me whatsoever. I snap pictures that I love with my phone hoping one day I make a humongous oil painting of the most beautiful cloud in my picture collection.

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Hi Sonia @Meme5 -
That’s a great idea. I collect photos of a lot of things and sometimes I put them in my computer in a file called “inspiration”.

Terri Robichon

I love the first- red tulips, great perspective, gorgeous sky. #2 for me would be the white tulips against the darker blue sky. It’s just special. And white tulips are less common. That always slants my favor.

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Thanks so much Bonnie. I appreciate your feedback.

Terri Robichon

I have been photographing principally flowers for 65 years as an amateur photographer and your tulips are very beautiful, I like all of them and can’t choose.
This is one of the most difficult flower to shoot to impress people by of there simple natural design.
If you like shooting tulips I hope you can find a producer and shoot tons of them in his field.
May the light be with you!

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This picture I took in my sister’s garden.
I hope it will give you a little inspiration.


Sorry for the poor quality of a 690x460 jpg that is required here.
This is more attractive to people because the petals aren’t usual


Thanks @PiDo Pierre -

I am also an amateur photographer and like to shoot many things, including all kinds of flowers (often at a large public garden that is about an hour’s drive from where I live), birds, and anything nature or wildlife.

Thanks for your comment and the beautiful purple tulips that you shared here in a separate post.

Terri Robichon

Beautiful pictures. I love them all but especially the first one :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tanya @tanya,
How lovely! I like the way you collect pictures in a calendar format. I take sooo many pictures and videos of clouds that I later review and take screenshots of as light changes. Sometimes the whole video turns useless, sometimes I get pictures that I adore. I absolutely hate it when the perfect view is behind light posts and electric cables :rage:


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