Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself! :)

As for how I discover Matt? it was through an email sent to me about this site. Have enjoyed it immensely. So surprised when he used one of my pieces for a critique and that made me want to enjoy my art which I had put away for several years. I am painting another piece, which will be very different. I’ve submitted a good bit of them and hopefully, he will do another critique but I realize that he has many submitted to his site.


I have been trying my hand at acrylic painting and watercolor on and off for over a year now. I think after getting very frustrated with cheap materials, I took the plunge a few months ago to buy quality paints, paper, canvas and brushes. Now I seem to be hooked, and this fun hobby takes all my spare time and money and I couldn’t be happier. I joined this site for the full year to commit to working on my skill level which right now is below basic. But the most important thing is I am having fun. I watched the color theory video on youtube and think that is what sparked my interest on the virtual instructor. You have a way of making learning fun! I can not wait to try my first live video tonight on sketching (completely out of my comfort zone) :grin:

Welcome - you should love this site and make a lot of other artist friends. Don’t worry about your skill as being below. You’ll soon be doing a lot better and we’re all here to help you.

Hello! I started drawing again last summer after not doing art for 30 years. I was once a young artist, but life kicked my butt and it took 30 years for me to get it back under control so I could create. Now I am drawing all the time and I am trying to learn how to paint. I also started a youtube channel because I am uneducated and want to learn all I can about art, and why not write and record essays about it? I know they are super boring to anyone but an art nerd, but I am having so much fun learning how to edit video! youtube.com/PhyllisMasters

Hi everybody, my name is Erika, and I am from South Africa. I am a new artist in training : ) I joined Matt on the Virtual Instructor recently in April 2021 after watching several of his YouTube videos and learning so much. I started immediately with the Secrets to drawing course and are almost completed then I will continue with some more Graphite courses until I feel I mastered the techniques of shading, value etc then I will continue to colour pencils, pastels etc. My end goal is to be able to paint landscapes etc on a canvas, but I am not in a hurry, I enjoy the journey and still have so much to learn.

Welcome to this site. Post something you have done. This is the best art lessons you will find anywhere.

Lenora - ArtistLittleNora

My name is Jack and I live in Orangevale, Calif. We moved here after living in Colorado for over 35 years. Wasn’t my first choice in places to retire, but all of our children and grandchildren are here, so this is where grandma and grandpa live. California is a beautiful state and has a lot to offer aesthetically for anyone who is interested in digging into and producing art. IN fact, one of the lessons Matt has includes a shipwreck near where we live near Point Reyes. We went there last year to examine the shipwreck and I have posted the photo as well.

After completing the lesson, we hung the original piece on our wall and I love looking at it.
I love the forum for posting art, and have enjoyed chatting with many of you. I look forward to many more opportunities to discuss art work with you all.
God bless,

welcome Anum we’re same a newbie in this forum

Hi all, I’m Pam - in my 60s and newly retired. Never had time or really any interest in art until lockdown due to COVID. I started looking at Youtube and got ideas on things to try. I’ve amazed myself on what is achievable and my family think Ive got hidden talent. Bit embarrassing as I’m copying someone else’s work but I’m loving this website and learning heaps. Hoping this forum gives me additional assistance in my journey and I can learn from other art lovers. PS my main interest at the moment is coloured pencils and graphite though I intend trying everything over time.

Great painting. There are several sites that you can click on for ‘free’ subjects pictures. I think Pixabay is one of them. That one is the one I am most familiar with.


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Hi, I live in Canada and I’m new to this forum. I joined the forum because I need some insight on whether or not VI would be good for me to improve and learn new skills in oil painting. I see that most courses are for drawing or acrylic and watercolor painting. I don’t want to change my medium from oil as I feel I still have tons to learn. Any advice you can give me would be appreciated. Where to start, what courses would be helpful, is there enough content for me as an oil painter? Thanks so much.

WELCOME to VI. These are definitely the greatest lessons you can find on the Internet. Matt and Ashley are wonderful instructors. More than the $97 a year for art lessons found on the Internet. I’ve tried others. When I found this one, I jumped on it.

Log in, you should see a Blue Jay. There are 4 tabs at the top. Click on the first one and it will bring up courses that have been done (you can go back and see what has been done in the past.

The next tab will be Lessons - Pick either Drawing, Painting, Live Lessons, and Lesson Plans (this is actually for teachers, I never go to this one. Choose the medium you would like to do. I think the lessons in Drawing is a good idea because it gives you a good lesson to learn. Personally, I think it best to learn how to draw before painting because it lays down a good base for painting. If you click on Drawing you will find lessons to work on, and the same for Painting. I would suggest “25 Days to Better Drawing” and work with this FIRST. Then “Then the Secrets to Drawing”.

So, to now tell you how I do my lessons, After you log in I go to the Lessons tag and choose Drawing, Painting, Live Lessons, and Lesson Plans. Unless you are a teacher there isn’t much to do there. Click on the tab and it will take you to lessons and scroll down to find the medium you want to work with. HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!!

Live Lessons is where you get the “Sketchy …” If you are a ‘member’ I think they will notify you by email that the next lesson is coming up. You would go the the “Live Lesson” @ 8:00 PM and you can watch it or go along with it, You can go back and watch it any time. It is difficult for me to watch it live because my husband watches other TV shows So I bought a headset to use.

Under Community is where you would ask for a Forum (pretty much the same as going to the Community) or Critique. Someone else would have to explain how to submit artwork to Matt.

The blog is where Matt shows you how to draw using the technic of using shapes to draw things, like in the “25 Days to Better Drawing” (might to the same in “The Secrets to Drawing”. I went there and there are more details on how he puts things together and there are lessons on drawing portraits, eyes, mouth, etc., or other things from beginning to ending. I am going there more often.

Hope this helps. Sorry, it is too long,

Lenora (artistlittlenora.mitchell@gmail.com

Hello, I’m new to formal drawing lessons. I’m following the oil pastels course. Nice to meet you and I’ll post any beginner’s questions I have. Thanks you, from Rome, Italy.

Welcome to our community. Looking forward to seeing your posts.

Lenora Andre = artistlittlenora.mitchell@gmail.com

Hello everyone,
I’m Marie from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The photo I chose as my ID is of my beautiful 14 year old dog « Émile »
I enrolled a few months ago and love what I’m learning! Am watching Wednesday evenings « gettin sketchy » and live lessons with great pleasure! I have always been attracted to painting, colored pencils, and such visual arts. Have not had any training except for when I took a short watercolor basics class with an artist friend, in my early twenties. I’m now 50, and wanting to create more than ever. I’m motivated to learn as much as I can from this wonderful learning space! Thank you Matt, for creating this great school! Looking forward to learning from all you peers as well. :blush:

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Hi Everyone. I’m Ken and I became a member a year ago. I have enjoyed drawing most of my life, but am untrained and self-conscious about my work. My first wife was an artist and her father was an art teacher. When I shared my art with her she became upset that I seemed to have some talent without training (she was very competitive). I gave up doing any art for many years because of this and we did end up divorced. My second wife discovered that I enjoyed drawing and has gifted me with so many supplies and encouragement that I have slowly gotten back into it. Then I found the Virtual Instructor site. What a treasure-trove! I have learned so much and quickly got hooked on Gettin’ Sketchy and the live sessions. I am a lot less self-conscious and share my art with family and some friends. I finally got the courage to post to the forums and am so grateful for the positive and encouraging words. Thankful to be a part of such a great community and looking forward to making up for lost time enjoying different medium. Thank you Matt, Ashley and the entire Virtual Instructor community!

Hello Everyone. I am a total newbie here. I found I love pencil and charcoal drawing. I hope that this forum and the lessons will help me to enjoy drawing even more.

Welcome John. I have recently started drawing with charcoal again after many years. I really enjoy it. I sent a drawing of lions to Matt for a critique a few weeks ago. He really gave me some helpful suggestions. I am finishing up a tiger in charcoal and will share it soon. I would love to see your drawings. This is a very encouraging community. I have enjoyed being a part of it. I hope you do as well.

Hi guys! I’m Araela. I"ve always enjoyed and appriciated art in every form and am excited to be abke to share that common interest! Hopefully I’ ll be able to learn and improve alot from this experience.:paintbrush::heart:

Hello everyone,

I am Will Sutton. I live in northern Germany. I’ve been an academic and lawyer most of my adult life. I discovered this website when I was living in California taking care of my mom when she was sick, and started rediscovering a skill I had when I was in high school. In the meantime, I want to do something else with my time.Now I’m in the hospital and have lots of time on my hands to practice and relearn the skills to being a great artist.