Acrylic Tiger Painting


This is a rough draft/practice painting of a wet tiger. I was having a little difficulty with the left side of the face, our left as looking at it and was hoping that someone could give suggestions if it looks okay. I have reworked it a couple of times. Also, does the fur look wet? I think it does but then I know that it is supposed to be wet.

Also, I am not sure if the background is too busy. I really wanted the waterfall in the back on the right side to harmonize the colors of the piece and used Paynes grey and Prussian blue to create the rocks in the back. I thought that the waterfall would help to bring some movement.

I appreciate any advice. or suggestions before I paint this on a canvas. Thank you in advance.



@TLP , beautiful, and yes, I can tell the fur is wet! As for the left side of the face, maybe it’s a little wide? Like, more of it would be hidden because of the spherical shape of a tiger’s face? Hope that helps! Can’t wait to see more! Jesus loves you!!!

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This is a great rough. Can’t wait till it is finished. Great job so far. Keep everything in the background just tone it down a little. It will bring out the tiger more.

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Thank you, Denise. This is the type of feedback I am looking for. I appreciate everything you have to say!

Thank you The MustardSeedLife. That makes sense. I had it way to wide so after working it over I decided it was time to get some help. Again, Thank you. Teri

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Hi Teri,
Yes, I found this post now. Well, I would consider changing the composition dramatically. If you want to paint a tiger’s portrait with wet fur, I would remove all the distracting factors in the background and emphasize the wet condition of the tiger more, like adding some waterdrops which are about to fall from his/her fur, nose, jaw etc.
Sample photo: Wet Tiger Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 4245514.

If the waterfall is the reason for the tiger to be wet, I would change the balance of the tiger and the waterfall, i.e. I would paint it as a landscape painting with a tiger with the waterfall in the background.
Sample photo: Tiger On Tree Resting Against Backdrop Stock Photo 1656718681 | Shutterstock

My own preference is the latter because then the painting would bear some story-telling quality. It tells that the tiger is relaxing using the waterfall as his/her bath, which is so wild that it is appropriate for such a magnificent animal like a tiger.
Hope this helps!


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Hello Maki,

Thank you so much for taking the time. I really like the second suggestion too. And had considered putting in the waterdrops as you suggested. I just really needed some suggestions overall on the composition before I went to do the actual painting. Sometimes the ideas that other suggest to me really help me to see when I get stuck.

I am now going to look at the pictures you sent.

Thank you again,


| Maki
June 16 |

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Hi Teri,
Yes, I found this post now. Well, I would consider changing the composition dramatically. If you want to paint a tiger’s portrait with wet fur, I would remove all the distracting factors in the background and emphasize the wet condition of the tiger more, like adding some waterdrops which are about to fall from his/her fur, nose, jaw etc.
Sample photo: Wet Tiger Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image 4245514.

If the waterfall is the reason for the tiger to be wet, I would change the balance of the tiger and the waterfall, i.e. I would paint it as a landscape painting with a tiger with the waterfall in the background.
Sample photo: Tiger On Tree Resting Against Backdrop Stock Photo 1656718681 | Shutterstock

My own preference is the latter because then the painting would bear some story-telling quality. It tells that the tiger is relaxing using the waterfall as his/her bath, which is so wild that it is appropriate for such a magnificent animal like a tiger.
Hope this helps!


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Looking forward to see the end result! Looking good already! I read the tips people gave you so I couldn’t do any better than that :slight_smile: you got this :muscle:

-SlippyPaints :orange_heart:

Thank you, Glenn,

I have some thinking to do now as I rework for a final composition but am looking forward to starting to work on it.


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Hi Teri,

most likely, I am too late with my answer, but anhow:

YES, this tiger has had a bath. The fur is wet for sure.

I feel, if it is a portrait, the waterfall in the background would not be needed, otherwise, I would draw it more as a landscape with a waterfall and a tiger as others suggested already.

I do have a very nice painting from an artist of a tiger that is walking towards a lighing in the jungle with rocks and a pond on it. Love it, though you see the tiger walking away from you but looking back as inviting you to follow. Since this is not a painting of mine, I cannot upload a foto as a reference.

Regarding the face of the tiger: To me, it looks as if the tiger is chewing on chewing gum, which reminds me of the jungle book.

Hope, this makes sense and - wow! I am still far away from a painting like yours.

Thanks for sharing,

Hello Buddy,

No, you are not late at all in your suggestions.

I will take a better look at the face. My caregiver said something similar. All these suggestions that everyone has made are giving me so great ideas on how to go forward.

I do know that I want this to be a portrait. I have a lion zebra, and giraffe portrait already on 16 x 20 canvases and want to do this one as a portrait. Though I do like the idea of a tiger looking back over its shoulder. The zebra I did has that poise.

Thank you for all of your suggestions Buddy,
