Gettin' Sketchy 11 - Candy with Matt

Limeted colours in my Prisma set and use of a different brand of markers made it quite for a challenge. But I would like to think I conquered that. Enjoyed every moment of it. Looking forward to seeing all your lovely sketches too. :hugs:


Hello @janar75 I would say that you nailed it pretty well even with limited colors and mix-matched brands.


I agree with @lenetg137 a total 100%! You nailed it!

Hi janar75
Yup, that’s 3 of us in total agreement - you nailed it.

Terri Robichon

This is great. Love it.

This is awesome! You did an amazing job!


My version of the ring pop is quite elongated! LOL!! My perspective is off in several places, but I’m so happy with it because I actually was able to keep up and finish in the allotted time. I had to scramble for colors especially with the markers, but I managed to find them all. I used a gel pen for my highlights. It was close at hand and less trouble than getting out the gouache. :slight_smile: I’m particularly fond of the red part of the shadow. This was really fun.



Wow! Wonderful results. Thanks for the share.

Brenda, this is wonderful. I agree that the red part of the shadow turned out really well. Actually it all turned out really well. And the fact that you did it in the time frame is remarkable. Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring us.

Terri Robichon

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Brilliant job Brenda,

I fully understand that franctic feeling of trying to match the colours and not losing precious time. An hour long preparation prior to the session all good for nothing, markers everywhere, swatches all but forgoten :joy: Then your cat decides to step in for inspection, and the time is ticking, hillarious. I love the rush though because it helps me to stop being obssessed with every detail. It’s not about making an exact copy after all but making it your own. Special and unique. I am so glad you shared this with us. I do like how you captured the light in your candy and its lovely and smooth gradation in a shadow. :heart_eyes_cat:


Your ring pop looks really good! Lord knows how many ring pops I’ve seen working in a school setting.
Actually, one of out Kindergarten teachers was proposed to in front of a gym full of 200 kindergartners, each holding a ring pop at the same time the couple became engaged!
All this to say, your ring pop looks great and freshly licked lol


Hello @Brenda. That is nice work. Don’t sweat the perspective too much on this one. Just assume yours was hanging in the sun for a while and began to deform and stretch a little. Just joking. It is still nice looking. As always, you just have caught a new item to keep in you focus for the next drawing. I find sometimes, I catch something that didn’t work so well in one drawing and focus on that in the next one. Bad thing for me I focus on the correction and while fixing it, I seem to forget about some other aspect and that part suffers. There’s a lot to think about. The good thing about art is no matter what anyone thinks, you can always claim “everything done was intentional”.



Thank you, Terri. I rather enjoyed not really worrying too much about anything except getting to the finish line. I did that and also managed to find all the correct colors. :slight_smile: Thank you for your encouragement.


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Thanks so much, @janar75

I had a good time with it. I also took time to get out markers and pencils I thought Matt might use. I was correct on some, but not all, on markers or colored pencils, leaving me pulling colors and trying them. I had so many markers out! You’re right, a timed drawing doesn’t allow for obsession over details. It’s always a good exercise when I decide to draw along rather than watch live and then do the art later. Thank you so much for your encouragement!


Thank you, Sonia! I appreciate your kind words of encouragement. I’m glad Gettin’ Sketchy is back!

And @lenetg137, thanks for your kind comments and encouragement. I especially liked the “all done with intention” part, and will have to keep that in mind! :slight_smile:


Ring pop from getting sketchy!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:I tried to see what marker blender does… I almost ruined the shadow edges, so had to blur the shadow edges with color pencil and blender. That’s the best I could do. I’m so not afraid of experimenting. Also I used whiteout liquid. I did it at school, my gouache is at home . It was during a break, so at least it was during allotted time. Except the blurred edges :roll_eyes:
3x6 on gray sketch paper


This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.

Terri Robichon

that is very nice and what a clever idea about using blender :heart_eyes: Should have thought about it, would certainly solve my problem with lack of greys. Thank you for sharing.

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@janar75 your ringpop is perfect though…!

Wow Janar75,

This turned out yummy, though I am not a candy eater. The reflections are great. Nice job!
