Hummingbird from V. I. Course

This is from the course “3 Little Birds with Colored Pencils”. I did not use the exact same paper or pencils, but I think it turned out pretty good. I have some Berol Prismacolor pencils that are about 30 years old and I have tried and tried to use them and was a dismal failure. I just bought a complete set of new Prismacolor Premier and wow! They are wonderful. I guess my old ones were…well…OLD! LOL! I have a lot of practice to do to get good with these things, but I have some hope, now.

I have been wanting to use colored pencils, because, as much as I love pastels, it is a bit difficult storing them or framing them. I believe storing and framing colored pencil artwork is much easier. If I am wrong, please let me know. :slightly_smiling_face:

I watched Matt’s videos several times and then turned them off, pulled up the reference photo, and went for it. I tried to match his, but that is stressful. It is more fun for me, and easier, to learn how and then go off on my own. LOL! Matt is a great teacher and I appreciate him very much.


Ginny. I absolutely love, love, love your style. This is truly well executed. I particularly like the colors that you have used. Great job - as always!

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Thank you, Patricia. Colored pencils are such a struggle with me. LOL!

Ginny, this is beautiful! Love the expression. Colors are great!

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This is great! It is Gorgeous.

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Beautiful! I love the textures and the colors against the black paper!

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Thank you, Lori, Denise, and Christine.

Ginny, if you feel that you are struggling, then I would say that the struggle brings out the best in you. It is a stunning job.

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This is a brilliant work of art. You have painted those feathers so beautifully. You put life in the bird.

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Wow, beautiful :heart_eyes: looks realistic :+1:… and inspires me to draw on black paper!