Last year I bought myself a box of coloured pencils (polychromes) and started drawing a portrait of my cat. This bird is my second drawing, I used a pixabay picture for this one. At the moment I’m very busy with my new puppy but in the future I hope to follow some lessons but not really sure where to start, there are so many nice lessons. One day I hope to be able to draw my black labrador but I find it very hard to draw a black dog.
@MoiLolita, it’s BEAUTIFUL! The colors are vivid, and this is only your second colored pencil drawing?! Wow, you’re REALLY good! Please share more artwork when you can! Jesus loves you!!!
Looks good. The wing parts get me tangled every time, the three different main sections of shoulder, inner and flight wings. Your wings look pretty good. Looking at an anatomical drawing of them then seeing how they look folded really helped me get them closer but not perfect. The inner/middle section of wing is mostly hidden, the flight wings are what stack neatly parallel down lower on back, and the shoulder wings are the little feathers that are sort of round and not really having a direction at the top of the wing. They’re very different on different birds but once you can see those three sections it is a bit easier to lay them out in a drawing when you know what you’re looking at.