Hi everybody. These aren’t the materials we work with here at TVI, but I’m sharing these two quilted pieces because what I learned here about composition helped me made them better than some of my older pieces. I’ve been making quilts for maybe around 15 years, but never had a class on quilt composition! And Teri asked if I’d shared textile art in the forum, and I hadn’t yet, so here they are! If I were to do the goats piece over again, I’d use more contrasting values among the whites/creams. I may go back and add some dark rocks on the sandy ground to create more contrast. And I might add some darker bits to the front part of the fence also.
These are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing them. How long does it take you to make one?
I do crochet and have done similar creating a crocheted background and creating a scene with ribbon art or a blanket with embellishments of for example crocheted letters or animals, etc. depending on the theme.
I’ll have to look into textile.
these really are lovely. I appreciate you sharing them here.
Thanks Teri. I’m not sure exactly how long they take to make because I do them over many sessions, but I’d estimate they take me 4-5 times longer to do than a drawing or painting. I’d love to see some of your crochet scenes, especially the ones with ribbon art. If you have photos of some would you share them on this thread?
I usually make them as a gift, and when it is a gift I don’t generally take a picture of them. I’ll take a look and see if by chance I took a picture.
I do have a background just waiting for me to finish it. Just havn’t been feel well to continue it. If and when I finish it I will post it!
I do agree that these would take 3 - 4 times longer.
I do have a tucan I did in just ribbon art. I can post that it after I take a picture.
Wow, they are beautiful! Thanks for sharing
That all makes sense. I’m sorry you haven’t felt well enough to continue it, but it’s very good you don’t push yourself too hard.
Here is the ribbion art I mentioned. I did a close up of the ribbions as well.
It is not a great picture but hopefully you will get the idea,
Hi Teri! That’s cool! It seems kind of like cross stitch but with ribbon and more room for artistic license. I’ll bet the tactile part of making that is wonderful! Thank you for sharing.