Introduce Yourself Here!

Thanks very much for the warm welcome.
I have not understood yet how to add a picture of something I have done. I am a bit slow with technology .
Marie Micheline


Hello Marie,

If you go to the community page at the top of the home page (the same place you log into the forum) you will see under where it says critique.

Click on the critique page and it will say across the top Member’s Minute.

Right under the members minute it will say in orange Submit Your Artwork

Click on submit your artwork. Here it will say Ask a Question or Submit artwork.

You will need to scroll down a bit on this page and you will see where it says Upload Art.

Here you will fill out your information and can upload a picture of your artwork. There is a place where you can tell Matt anything you want about the artwork you have created.

I hope this is helpful. It took me a bit to figure out how to work around the website, but Matt has worked hard with improvements to the site, and it is now even more user friendly.


Hi Marie @McGuinness

If you want to add a photo of your artwork for the weekly critique called the Members Minute, follow the directions posted here by Teri.

If instead, you just want to post what you’re working on here at the forum you can start a new topic - or add on to an existing chat. For instance, there is one we have going called… Most Recent drawing or painting. To add to this click on the topic. At the bottom you hit the button that says reply. Then type anything you want about what you’re posting. Then look for the button that looks like a small rectangle with a mountain in it. That’s the thing to hit for adding a photo. Then add your photo and hit Done. (Hope I got that right. I’m doing the instructions from memory on my cell phone.)

Terri Robichon


Hello Marie,

I think I might have misunderstood your comment.

If you count over six icons across the bar where you write out a comment, it should be a rectangular square that appears to be a like a landscape in it. it is between the (") and the Emoji.

You can just drag or upload a picture from your computer or device**.**

I hope this helps if this was your actual question.



I may have misunderstood.

Welcome Marie!
We are so pleased that you joined us. You mentioned that you are an “old lady”. That tickled me :grin:! I guess I’m an “old man”. The key is that I don’t feel old in my mind. I love to be creative and I love when I can bless others in some way with my art. Hopefully you grow in your skills and knowledge through Matt’s lessons, critiques and this forum.
Bill Potts

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Thanks ever so much. This will help me a lot, your instructions are very clear.
Thanks again and have a good day.

Great thank you. In fact this one I managed to figure out yesterday but when I wanted to add a picture the size was too large. I have searched on internet but have yet to find a solution to reduce these. I don’t have photoshop. If I don’t manage I will wait until one of my sons come home to visit and I will ask for a lesson in computer technology.

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Thank you I love these courses and I am learning every day.
Have a good day.

Thank you very much, I will try this.

Hi @tanya

I didn’t know either of these things. Thanks for sharing such useful information.

Terri Robichon

Hello All, my name is John and I have been getting interested in Watercolor painting. I’ve kind of dipped my toes into a few other art mediums, such as colored pencils and ink sketching, as well, but have tried to reign myself into concentrating on the watercolor. (Squirrel!)

I’ve started the Virtual Instructor course and have completed my first go at the three pears in the composition/still life lessons. I’d love any feedback.

Thanks for having me. I look forward to being part of the community!



Hi John -

Welcome to the forum at The Virtual Instructor. You’re off to a great start with the watercolors. It happens to be my favorite medium. I really like how well you did in preserving the highlights. That’s the most difficult thing for a lot of people.

Keep on posting your work as you continue thru the lessons.

Terri Robichon

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Welcome John,

You did a great job with your pears. They are very colorful, and like Terri said, you’re off to a good start. Watercolor has been a difficult medium for me on the two attempts I’ve done. Please keep posting your work.


Thanks, Terri and Sonia, That is very encouraging!

Hello John.

Welcome to the Virtual Instructor membership and forum.

I think it is wise to try to stick to one medium. Something I never did.

You did a tasty job on the pears. I could eat one right now! As Terri and Sonia said, keep posting.

As Sonia said, watercolor has been difficult for me too. I find that doing what Matt says, practice, practice, and practice is good advice.

It looks like you are a member. If you are available on Wednesday nights at 8pm Matt does live lessons and we can work alongside him or his friend Ashley.

There are many watercolor live lessons that are recorded over the last 10 years or more. You may want to check these out sometime too, after you finish the course.

Also, there are critiques weekly and there is something you can apply to watercolor learned from all critiques.

There are two Teri’s in the chat some you will see that we sometimes sign Terri (with 2r’s) or myself as Teri (with 1r) Again, Welcome,

Teri (with 1r)


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Welcome John!

Matt’s courses are very good. I think you did pretty darn good on those pears. I “watched” that course but never actually participated. I think if you really want to learn watercolor, it’s probably best to stick with it and learn it first. I’m having a difficult time transitioning from pencil and pastel to watercolor, but I’ll eventually get there.

You met Terri Robichon. I think she’s the watercolor Queen. She does some great work and is always there to offer help. There’s lots of great people on the forum, so hopefully you can share and learn.

Bill Potts

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Thanks, Teri. You are right about it being wise to stick to one medium. It didn’t take me long to end up with a bunch of other stuff, like colored pencils and Tombow markers, lol. Practice, practice, practice…great advice. Hard to follow but I’ll do my best. The Wednesday evening live practices will be a challenge to get to sometimes but I’ll put it on the calendar. Again, thanks!



Thanks, Bill! I almost decided to pass by on the pears, too, but figured “why not?”. I’m glad I did because I learned about color mixing and layering. I mentioned to others that I did start down the rabbit hole of seeing and buying other forms of media (colored pencils, pens/quills, pastels, etc) and had a rare moment of clarity that said to just stick with one until I at least get good with it (although I couldn’t help myself and just bought some pastel pencils—but I need those, right? :grimacing: ). Again, thanks for the nice welcome!


John, welcome to the best art forum to get feedback on your work should you ask for it. This is a friendly & positive group. I am a graphite & charcoal guy & am always amazed at the watercolor, colored pencil, acrylic’s ect. art that is produced. Keep posting.

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John -
I just wanted to let you know that we are all supplyaholics. We tend to slow down a little when we start to run out of space to store all of it. But for some reason we just keep buying all those “must have” items as well.

Terri Robichon