March 27 gettin sketchy SHARK

Another fun one. Far from perfect!


I Love IT! Mine will get a bit of refining before I post it. Maybe I’ll do a “before and after” refinement photo!

Good job, June!


Not my best work, but sure is sketchy!!!


He looks good and scary! And it is gettin sketchy! Love it!

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Great sketch! Love it.

@Brenda and @junenez,

Both your sharks are great. I’m about to start on mine, I’m glad you started a thread for the lesson :grin:


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Have fun with it! I enjoyed it, even though I cleaned it up before posting it. :slight_smile:


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hahah - one of these days I will convince you to post it immediately!

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Where did you guys find the reference photo?

Marina, if you are watching the video, look just below the video itself and find the small picture of Matt’s face. Click on that. On the next page that comes up, look for the “Community” link. Once you click that, it should bring up a page with the reference photo for that video. here it is in case you don’t find it.


Thank you for the quick response!

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@Brenda @junenez The two of you are so great with the gettin sketchy drawings. I like both of your posts and thank you for sharing.

Terri Robichon

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Here’s my shark :grin: I followed along, except paused for erasing, I’m kind of wimpy so it took me longer to be able to erase to black, so I guess that counts as taking more time than allotted. Loved it!


Hi Sonia. This is great. I would have spent the time to erase to black also (but I think I’m going to pass on doing this one).

Terri Robichon

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Terri, it was fairly easy. You would’ve finished in no time.


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That’s a great looking shark! Love it

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June, Brenda, Meme! Fantastic job! makes me wish I had given it a try.
I tend to just watch and then choose an image somewhat similar a few weeks later and use the getting sketchy episode as a guide. That way I have an original art of my own. BTW June’s looks happier :slight_smile:

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@Dale thank you, and @junenez’ shark really does look happier :smile:

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Hahaha. A happy shark! I like yiu think my shark looks happy