My second month

It took me more than a month to finally put something new … after obviously following some of the drawing courses…


Hi Diana @diana2014
This is a very sweet drawing. I really like it an I think you should take another first step and send it into Matt for the Members Minute weekly critique. I’m totally serious about you doing that.

Terri Robichon


Hello @diana2014 , very nice drawing of the young lady. Hoping to see lots more of your work.


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Thank you Terri :pray:. Don’t know what you mean by :Members Minute, but I will check. :pray:

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Hi Diana @diana2014
The Members Minute is also called Critique. If you go to the Community Tab at the top menu line, and hit the drop down menu, you will find 2 options. The first is “Forum” which takes you here to our Community. The second is Critique and that takes you to the weekly Members Minute. It is an incredibly valuable member benefit.

Terri Robichon

wonderful, thank you, found it and it is a gold mine of information


Hi Diana @diana2014 now don’t forget …
I suggest you send your drawing in to the Members Minute.

Terri Robichon

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Hi Diana @diana2014 , another voter for the Members Minute.
I really do like your drawing.


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