Hi fellow artists !
Here’s my latest attempt of a drawing from a photo. I’d love to hear some thoughts on how to make it look better ! ! I feel like by spending more time on it I’m only gonna make it look worse…
Hi fellow artists !
Here’s my latest attempt of a drawing from a photo. I’d love to hear some thoughts on how to make it look better ! ! I feel like by spending more time on it I’m only gonna make it look worse…
“And bowing respectfully, the grasshoppers meet…”
It’s beautiful, and with the space you’ve left at the top, it looks like it could be a book cover with room for a title!
They look good, only thing I’d suggest is to push the contrast more, get the darks darker. The mantis on the right is all the same tone, and I know it’s hard to figure out color to shading in graphite, maybe switch to grayscale in a photo editing program and run automatic white balance then to see how it decides shade should be?
Still a great work the way it is, but I’m trying to be like Matt with the “Darkest darks and lightest lights and everything in between” line.
Thanks to both of you for the feedback !
Yes, it’s a bit flat (even more on the photo), I tried to accentuate the darkest parts but the problem is the “in between” part
I think if you just make some lines a little bolder on the right mantis it’d help a lot, like on the pincers of the one on the left, the lower bit of it being a darker line due to shadow apparently from above. Could also make bottom of branch a bit darker. I’d try all those out in software editing program to see how it turns out before changing the work you’ve already done, even a mono zero eraser takes too much off when you go a bit past what was intended. Leave the in betweeens, just add some darks here and there where there is already some shadow, just boost it a little bit.