I am trying to post to the community with pictures but, there doesn’t see a way to actually get them to show up there, I just give up.
This is great! Love it!
Thank you Denise. I enjoyed doing this. I think I really enjoy those pictures I give a gifts
Thank you, Denise. Y’all will just have to excuse me while I learn Gmail. I thought I had lost all the emails I had saved from the virtual instructor, but my IT found them. I had about 2400+ emails that were supposed to be sent to my new email address ane they apparently were not. Makes me sometimes want to pull my hair out.
Maybe you can answer my question. What does it mean or do if I added an @ before I entered my under my user name, At that time it was ‘lilnora’. Now I use ArtistLittleNora and my email address is artistlittlenora.mitchell@gmail.com. I would like for you to use my above-stated email address to answer the question. I got chastised for posting something as if I was using a social networking site and I do not want to do that again. I don’t know if that comment was made where everybody could see it. If so, that would be pretty embarrassing to me.
The @ shows what you are connected with for your E-Mail.
Thanks, Denise - guess I will figure out how to get somewhere to add the @ArtistLittleNora