Beginner / but loving ever moment

Hi All

I’m just starting out with Matt’s tutorials on YouTube and here, so I’ve got a lot to learn. I’m really into soft pastels and experimenting with different techniques.

Depth is a challenge, and the terminology is a bit tricky, but I’m learning more and more.


Hi Andy @AndyJ

Nice to have you at the Virtual Instructor, and more specifically at the Forum. You’re clearly off to a great start. I’ve been a member 3 years and still have a lot that I’m learning. It seems like several others just joined up in the last few week too, so you have lots of company. Keep hanging out here, and we’re likely to become friends as well. We’re a very positive and supportive environment and love it when people comment, and share their own artwork (either from a lesson, or an original).

Terri Robichon

Hi @AndyJ

nice to meet you and hope to see more pastel works , Matt is an excellent teacher and great with pastels , beautiful colours in yours , am I seeing a Van Gogh influence there ? Will get my new set out as I’m a total beginner with pastels and will look forward to sharing progress with you


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Yes been with Matt over 6 years and I learned quite a bit from him and Ashley.

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Thanks Trevor - thats quite the commitment .

At the moment I am trying to understand form and light , to draw what I see

Look forward to seeing your progress

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Thanks for the message , art is life , to see the movement and shapes - it gives me such peace .

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