Bull Creek Hills

Sketch from a photo taken during a hike. Landscape in Prismacolor Premier colored pencils, size approx 5" x 6-1/2". I tried to capture the low rolling hills and there was a lot of texture in the foreground. I think I did a decent job of the tree shadow, but I always welcome comments for improvement.


You’re right, the tree shadow is great. I also like the way you rendered the trees falling off into the background. One critique would be your tree seems to be falling or leaning backwards to me. Altogether though a nice drawing.

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I like the movement. The shadow of the tree is great. I love this.

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Really awesome! Suggestion could be for the horizon to sit a little less in the middle(like rule of thirds composition), but of course, this is up to the artist(YOU) since this rule can be broken AND the main hill the tree is on is actually following the rule, so shifting may actually be a bad thing anyway. (just a random observation; your piece is amazing as-is) :clap: :smile:

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