Catless 5th tree drawing

From 1-3, please check this post.
#4 is introduced in this post.

The 5th tree is also from Australia, but maybe not from Melbourne…
I’ve mainly used stippling for this piece instead of lines which I usually use for my pen drawings.
Stippling obviously takes much more time compared to lines, so I need to limit the use of this approach to simple works only, but it can produce such unique and interesting effects.
I myself am amazed at how different my drawings look with stippling. :smiley: :cat: :+1:


These are just amazing Maki.
With every drawing you post I’m always amazed of what you can do with a pen. You’re such an inspiration to me. Lately iv been more quiet but I do check all the posts and drawings here and yours never disappoint.

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This is phenomenal. The patience it must take to do this I can only hope to achieve some day. Results like this make it worthwhile I’m sure.

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Hello Glenn, thank you so much for your kind words! You know, I always have film making in mind beyond just drawings, which strongly orients me towards meaningful drawings. If you find something inspirational in my works, that is probably because of the way I select what I draw, not purely because of how I draw. I think the time I spend for thinking what I draw is way longer than the time I use for the actual drawings. Hope this is of some help for your own creative process. :smiley: :cat: :+1:

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Hi Ken, thank you so much for your comment. I know the feeling…it’s not about my drawings, but about my film making. When I started making animated shorts, even 3 min piece wore me out. When I first completed a 10 min piece a few years ago, I was so happy to find myself equipped with the endurance to go through with such a demanding project. Well, I think you already have the patience you think you need to achieve. I feel so looking at your works shared here. :smiley: :cat: :+1:

This piece has been selected for critique episode #416. :smiley: :tada: :cat: