Third piece by a cat-obsessed person

I’ve posted two tree drawings with no cats at all and some people told me that they found themselves looking for a cat in there.

This is the first one.
The progression is included in this post.

This is the second one.
The progression is included in this post.

Well, I myself felt so frustrated after completing these two catless drawings so I included three cats in this new one.

Now I am working on the 4th, which is catless again.
Looks like I will repeat this…some catless artworks, and then a work including many cats.
This way I can take good enough care of my mental conditions. :rofl: :cat: :tada:


I love the black and white tree pictures. The first one I feel as though I can wander through the woods and just disappear down the path. Fabulous work. Deb

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This one with the cats turned out great. It looks like they are sneaking up on someone or maybe playing hide and seek!

Will be waiting for the next one!


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Your work is just beautiful. Just awesome!

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These are fantastic! Really lovely. Are you using pencil, charcoal, pen?

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Breathtaking images!

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Hello Debra, thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I do appreciate it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1: :cat:

Hello Barnett201, thank you so much for looking at my works. I appreciate your kind words! :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cat:

Hi Thomas, thank you so much for your kind words! :wine_glass: :smiley: :cat:

Hello Elisabeth, thank you so much for your comment. They have been drawn using a ballpoint pen. :smiley: :cat: :+1:

Hi Teri, thank you so much for your kind words. The fourth is complete. I will share it in another post later. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :cat: :+1:

Hello Maki,

I’ll watch for it. Thanks for letting me know!!


Wow - those are all amaziong

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Maki; I showed your wonderful drawings to my art group. They and I would love to know your process for the drawings. How do you start? Do you layout or does it evolve?

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Hello junenez, thank you so much for your kind words! :smiley: :cat: :tada:

Hello Jane, thank you so much for your kind words! The process has been shared in the separate posts I’ve written about in this post. Would you please check the links which I’ve shared above, and then you can see how the first two have been drawn. Hope this helps! :smiley: :cat: :wine_glass:


What an inspiration you are. I would find it very helpful to know the size of the posted artwork.

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Hello Jane, many thanks for your message.
#3: 14cm square
#4#5(separate posts):A4

Hope this helps! :smiley: :smiley: :cat: :+1: