Charcoal Tool Man - Finished Live Lesson

This was a tough one but I learned a lot and had fun. Love the live lessons. Looking forward to the oil pastel next.


Oh wow, that’s amazing :scream: All the elements, and the man’s face is actually readable, HOW?! (and with like, no smudging!!) Great work! :star_struck: :clap:

Great Job. I love it.

He looks great! I has trouble with the face on mine. I also didn’t even try with the table clutter - my version has an unrealistic clean work bench . I love both the face and table in yours!


Share yours? It took me quite a while to get the face. The face and hands are where I spent the most time. Just keep trying! Can’t wait for the oil pastels - never used them


This turned out amazing!! I really like the lighting in yours. Mine is at the stand it up where I can look at it and see where it is going…hum!!

Mine is definitely taking on a style of its own.

I also love the live lessons and the group that is always there. When I finish, I will see if I have the courage to post it!! Hopefully this year - lol!


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This is amazing. Never worked in charcoal but this has got such well soul and depth. Really like it

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I’m not sure how! I feel like I got lucky with a lot of this. lol

I hope you do. I like posting here and looking at what others are doing Everyone is always very kind and provide helpful tips. Don’t be scared!

This is so incredible. GREAT Work!

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Great job, June! This was a very difficult piece. I loved working on it, and I’m pleased with my results, and I think I’d like to work more in charcoal. As a warmup for the live lessons, I completed the charcoal course that is in development. I was astonished with my results of the tree in that course, and now I’m thinking maybe I should have tried charcoal long ago! I’ve never been able to do a good job on trees, but I’m so happy with this one. I love your details in the shop guy and your value range is excellent. Thanks for sharing!

I’m attaching my tree.



June, the face and hands WERE the hardest! And the vise! :slight_smile: I love seeing how others’ pieces came out.


Wow - pretty cool :slightly_smiling_face:
A complete illustration

Hello June, I finally finished Karl the Tool Man. Let me know what you think, any suggestions. I did this on the colorline paper since I didn’t have any other large enough and I really liked how the charcoal worked on it. It is also reasonable


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Looks amazing! Excellent detail and shading. Was the paper black or white to start?

The paper was pearl white, Canson colorline paper. The medium is charcoal.

Thank you for your kind words.

Love your contrast! Those hands are especially well done. Great job! Wasn’t he fun to do?