Elephant Drawing with Charcoal - 1 Hour Exercise

From the latest TVI Youtube post. Here’s my take :grin: not enough light values, it took me
about two hours with the second hour making light values darker and viceversa until I accepted my sketchy elephant…so much fun!



This turned out really nice.

The great thing about charcoal is you can always erase out more highlights if you decide too.

Teri (with 1r)

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Very well done. Yes you should always enjoy what you do. and create.

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Sonia, I enjoy working with charcoal & graphite. This is a wonderful sketch.

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Hi Sonia,

You’re my shining star. I watched the lesson too, but you took it to the next step and did a very nice job of actually doing it. Thanks so much for your friendship and great attitude and willingness to share.

Terri Robichon

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