Frog Live Lesson - whew!

This took as long as Fran-Stancisco, the Orangutan :orangutan:. I learned so much, though. I don’t know that I’ll ever do another marker and colored pencil project on marker paper, though. I’m pleased with my results, but the pressure placed on the pencils overwhelmed the paper resulting in texture on my frog and indentations on my paper. Then when I finished, I attached the marker paper to a piece of Bristol with double-sided tape and ended up with a few wrinkles in my frog. Overall, though, it was perfect to keep my mind off the case of shingles I have. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Enjoy my froggie. RIBBIT :frog::star_struck:


Turned out and looks perfect. Only you can see the flaws you mentioned on your post.
So glad you’re discomfort was eased by your beautiful art and hope by now you’re feeling all better.I cannot imagine what shingles feels like.

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Love your frog! I agree - I see nothing wrong! It looks great! You are too critical of yourself. I started that one once and forgot to go back to it.

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I don’t see any flaws, looks wonderful to me!

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Thank you so much Sonia. She looks pretty cute sitting on her little easel where I see her while I work. I’m happy with the results. :heart:

Shingles are UGH! I took the first vaccine that came out. When the two-shot version came along, I took the first one and had such a bad reaction that I didn’t take the second dose. Obviously, that wasn’t enough to keep the virus dormant in my system. Again, UGH!

Thanks again for your encouragement.


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Thanks, June! I’d love to see another person’s take on this. Mine certainly is different than Matt’s. LOL! If you finish it, please post it. It was a very tedious process, but a really great lesson for patience!

Yes, I’m my own worst critic. I’m working on that. :smiley:


Thank you so much, Lori!!


Hopefully vaccine was enough to make it less severe. Only God knows…

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I think you did a wonderful job with this. It is on my radar to try. He/She looks sympathetic to your suffering these days with the Shingles. Even a little sad for its creator.

Where you found time to do this I can’t imagine. I can barely keep up with the live lessons!! lol!

Adorable little frog! Did you name it?


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Thank you so much, Teri! Pretty sure it’s a she, but no name yet. I have, however, decided I love it and plan to frame it. :smiley:

Since I’m feeling like sitting at my art table, that’s pretty much all I’ve done the last week. Even washing dishes brings on a night and day of new pain. I’ve done some drawing at night as well.



I can imagine in matted and framed. This is actually one that I have had on my radar, I probably already said that but by repeating it maybe it will cause me to do this one. There are so many of the older live lessons that I want to do.


Brenda, Now to remember where I might have put that half finished frog!!

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Too bad we can’t just ping everything we’re looking for! I have pieces stored in quite a few places. I don’t know if I could the oldest things I’ve ever worked on. I might enjoy “finishing” them now that I know so much more than I did then! Good luck finding the frog!


Brenda, very well done. I dont have markers, but I did wonder how much different it would be to achieve a finished look over the markers. I know the color would develop quicker, but working toward a look of texture and color blending would be my initial questions. But excellent job!

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Ohhh, sorry to hear shingles! Yikes! The front turned out fantastic!

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Great frog. You can almost feel how slimy he is. I need to get busy trying to work with anything. So far all I’ve done of TVI is just ‘look’. Right at the moment I am in one of my ‘reading’ moods.

Lenora Andre (lilnora or ArtistLittleNora

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Thank you so much, Lenet. It was an interesting challenge. The main thing I wished for was stronger paper. The marker paper was just a bit wimpy. The materials work really well together otherwise.


Thank you so much on both fronts. I’m enjoying having the frog on an easel so I can see him a lot. I’m still trying to get over the shingles. Now I seem to have the post-infection pain syndrome which is pretty awful!


Thanks, Lenora. I totally understand the “looking mode.”

Speaking of the frog, when I look at him, I remember picking them up as a kid and how cool to the touch the were and how their bumpy backs felt wet and slimy even if the weren’t. :slight_smile:

Good luck with what you decide to work on!


I’ve been on TVI for almost 3 years now. I’ve just been very lazy about doing the work. I’m just not there, which kills me. I have not been in a drawing or painting mood for almost as long. In November of last year, I almost decided to do both. My biggest problem is wanting to be as good as so many I see others posting here. Right now I am in a ‘reading’ mood, but even then I will put down my book to do something else. My mind just has not been into doing anything. My mind just wanders and I find I am totally incompetent. Nothing and nobody, no matter what is said or done has done much except make me determined to do anything. Except put down what I am doing and pick up anything artistic. Hopefully, I have not lost it for life. I keep telling myself that God gave me this gift and if I don’t do it, I lose it. I went to art school after HS and I expected to do as I had always done at my pleasure, at my leisure. That really made me show that I did not do anything with it. I know I need to pray for a 2nd (3rd, 4th, or 5th) chance to show I love the gift and pick it back up and just do it.

Lenora ( "lilnora’.

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