Gettin Sketchy 11 - Binoculars with Ashley

Hi Sonia - looking good (especially the second version) .

Terri Robichon

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welcome to the VI community. You have done a marvellous job, some steady hands there, you have. Thank you for sharing and hope to see more. Safe sailing.

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Hi Sonia,
lovely sketch you have done and blending gave it that final umph :ok_hand:
hope to see you around for the next one.

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Hello @robichon I see what a difference the Mars Lumigraph pencils make. I finally got some and canā€™t wait to try them. However, my ADHD is kicking in and after 3 graphite drawings in a row, just started 3 Little Birds Course, so back to some color.



Hello Sonia @Meme5 , looks good. Smoothing pushed your values up a bit.


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Hi Lenet -
Iā€™m liking the Mars Lumigraph pencils so much that Iā€™m thinking about ordering another tin of them so I donā€™t run out.

Youā€™ll have fun with the birds. Hope youā€™ll post your work here.

Terri Robichon

@robichon you know I will post them when done. It is already coming out way better than my previous color pencil attempts. But with practice and lessons I have been learning, every piece seems to take anotgee step in the right direction.


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You did a real nice job on the binoculars. Did you do the drawing twice or how did you smooth it with tissue paper? I am curious.


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Just smoothed it out with tissue paper. It was so much fun!