Gettin Sketchy 11 - Binoculars with Ashley

So happy to see Gettin Sketchy (season 11) back. Lovely binoculars with Ashley in graphite. Missed you all. My feeble attempt below. :smiling_face:


Wow Janar,

Yours turned out great, mine is a little - well unique to be kind to myself.



this is lovely. I like your values, I think this is something I have to work on still. Also your lenses are more realistic and proportioned, mine are ready to look round the corner thru a narrow peep hole :sweat_smile: Wonderful job.

This is really cool. Love it.


Thank you for your kind words.

I have actually been trying to sketch daily, depending on how I am feeling. I am choosing a series of pictures from as many countries as I can on Pixabay since I am homebound. I am sketching them in graphite like a study then going back and working each one as a more formal sketch in an appropriate medium as practice. I figure in the end, or along the way there will be some that I can create a formal painting or drawing of.

Doing this I have been forcing myself to keep sketching. I find I am seeing more and it is helping in both value and composition along the way. So far I have only done insects, birds, water animals and creeping animals, butterflies and birds from Africa.

Like Matt always says, Practice Practice Practice!!



Hi janar75. Not feeble at all. Looks good and I’m glad you shared.

Terri Robichon

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Teri - you really inspire me with your positive attitude and willingness to give so much a try. I like what you’ve done and glad you posted.

Terri (with 2 r’s) Robichon

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Hi to all my forum friends. As most of you know, I’m a really DETAILED gal. Definitely NOT sketchy. But I love these lessons, and then putting my own twist on them. That means a I “cheated” and TRACED my drawing. I used Staedtler - Mars Lumograph pencils because I really love my blacks to be dark, without shine. Regarding the paper, I have a pad of BEE PAPER COMPANY - Stipple Paper that I bought after one of the Gettin Sketchy lessons last season. I had not used it yet and saw this subject as being perfect because of the texture. Finally, it wasn’t just a one hour project, but more like 4 or 5 hours. Anyway I had fun - but realize “I did it my way”.

Terri Robichon


Stunning work Terri,
I guess I will have to break my NY’s resolution not to buy any more supplies until I used what I have and order some bee paper. :thinking: Lovely texture. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks. I love the idea of making “a study” of a picture. Something to add on my “to do art list”. I am hoping to get back to my almost daily practice after some unexpected family matters. But being a full time employed can hinder things. That is why I am so greatful for Gettin’ Sketchy because I know I will 100% have at least one drawing per week. And then, there is you lovely and inspiring folks, always happy to give feedback and to cheer on. :sparkling_heart:
Thank you,

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Terri (with 2 r’s),

fabulous job. I too really like details and hope to arrive to your level of artistic ability as time goes by. I am hoping that doing quick sketches and learning to observe in different ways with different subjects, not just the ones I feel confident will help me to reach a new level in steps as time goes on.

Really, so realistic. But then as you know I would expect nothing less. The freedom to be a wonderful thing.

Teri (with 1)

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I’m not sure how much I will use this paper, but the texture seemed perfect for this subject matter. Thanks for your kind words.

Terri Robichon

Hi Teri (with one r) -
I always love to hear from you. You are so special in how supportive you are of everyone. (Received your recent letter, and plan to get one to you in the mail sometime this week.)

Terri (with 2 r’s) Robichon

Hi there I am pantelis
A Greek seafarer. Here is my try.
Forgive my lines and eclipses I am a beginner plus
I am onboard atm
The vessel is kinda vibrating all the time.
Thanks a lot


Hello Pantelis,

Wow! For a beginner you did an excellent job! I am glad you are able to participate while at high sea.

I look forward to seeing more of your artwork.


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Hello! Nice to see your first post! You’re a beginner, plus at sea?! Wow, the binoculars are great. Well done!!


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Hi Pankok. We’re thrilled to have you joining in on the fun on the forum at The Virtual Instructor. I must say that this drawing doesn’t look like it came from a beginner. You’re doing great with understanding “value”, the most important element of art. Hope you continue to post your artwork and participate here.

Terri Robichon

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These are nicely done.

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Absolutely fantastic. I’ve missed seeing everyone’s work. It’s great to see all the talented artists here.


Finally did the binoculars! Here’s my drawing. A little skewed, values all over the place.
Then I couldn’t resist going back and smooth it with tissue paper…so satisfying