Gettin' Sketchy with Matt 2/28/24 - Bee-eater bird

I did the drawing with pastel pencils in real time with Matt, but it was a real mess! I really liked the reference, so I redid it today. There are still things I could fix, but I’m happy for now. I did a different background, and not sure I’m happy with it either, but I like it better than the black.

Did anyone else do this challenge?



Hi Brenda -

This looks good. I haven’t done this yet, but plan to at some point in time. I just got some Rembrandt soft pastels so this may be an opportunity to use them. If / when I do this one I will definitely post it here.

Terri Robichon


Thanks Terri! I love my Rembrandt pastels.



THis turned out fabulous!


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Aw, thanks, June!!!


@Brenda Really good bee eater. Thanks for posting. I will definitely try it soon!

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A wonderful job! As always, a beautiful rendering of a bird.


Here’s my bee eater from gettin’ sketchy.
I followed along with the lesson.
I used a paper I had from before I knew anything about pastelmat. Super dusty.
I couldn’t have a bird with part of the tail missing so I added the tip. Also made it close to 8x10 because the paper was bigger. The background turned strange because the paper is so rough, It muddied any blending attempt. Used carbothello pencils for edges around the bird, along with sennelier soft pastels for background ( what I had in my container at the moment) TOO DUSTY. I feel like I wasted a lot of material with the cheap paper. I still loved working on the Bee eater though! :grin:
Planning to work on it very good to make it less scratchy plus get rid of the halo around the bird, and better background.


Hi Sonia. - love the vibrant colors. I still plan to do this too but not right now. Too many other things I’m working on right now.

Terri Robichon

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Hello @Brenda , I don’t know why some of these chains are showing up unread a week or so after the posts on my feed, but sorry I nissed this. Your bee-eater bird is an excellent rendition. I too will try this one at some point. This one may have to join my “three little birds” in a frame, if it comes out well.


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Hello Sonia @Meme5 , this is great. Your choices of color are so vibrant. Well done.


The bee eater done in pastels came out great. I haven’t tried this one yet but when I do it will be in colored pencils. First time I touched any other medium was with the 3 little birds. The Virtual instructor has really opened up my viewpoint and seeing the art everyone posts brings joy.

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Hi Linda -
There is so much to explore and learn at The Virtual Instructor. People of all skill levels will not get bored. Our list of “to do” projects justs keep on growing.

Terri Robichon

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Here is my first getting sketchy attempt.
I did not set a timer, as I planned this as a present for someone, but I don’t think it took too long either as it is pretty small.


Nicely done. Thanks for sharing your work. I’m sure whoever you are giving this to will really appreciate it. Handmade gifts are the best.

Terri Robichon

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Beautiful @Jennilein !! Thanks for sharing. It will make a beautiful gift!!


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Beautiful and so vibrant!

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Hello @Jennilein , I think this a great rendition of the Bee-eater. I hope your friend cherishes the gift.


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