Introduce Yourself Here!

You got it! I’m fully in. Going into this with intention. Thank you for the feedback!


Hi! I am Kare and am relatively new to drawing and doing art. I have always wanted to but did not know how to start and did not believe I had any talent, especially none for drawing.
I joined about a month ago and have been having such fun and totally amazing myself with what I am producing and learning!!!
Thank you so much for being available!
I am attaching a drawing I just did of a Bee from the Sketchbook Challenge. I would love to get some feedback and suggestions.
Thank you very much.


Hi @kare

So nice to have you here on the forum. Those of all skill levels hang out in this positive and supportive environment.

Since you’re new, the first thing I recommend is that you devote a half hour each week to watching the Members Minute. You will learn a lot whether it’s your artwork, or something from another member. And you can even look at all the ones from previous weeks (of which there are many).

Now about your sketch you’re off to a good start. What I think you could do to improve it is to add a bigger range of values (meaning a full range of lights, middle tones and darks). Most of us don’t push the darks to be really dark enough.

Once you understand the importance of having a full range of values, you need to know where to use those darker values. On your bee the middle of the body and the edges are all the same value making it look 2 dimensional instead of three dimensional. That means it’s hard to tell the form/shape of the body. Try darker colors around the edges to better represent the curved form of the body.

Now, watch a couple of the member minutes and pay attention to what Matt says about VALUE. Then maybe work some more on your sketch and repost the adjusted drawing here.

I hope this makes sense.

Terri Robichon

Hello Kare @kare, welcome to the community, the best place to get feedback and support from friendly, knowledgeable fellow artists.
One thing that helped me with form was drawing a sphere over and over again. I am a slow learner.
Keep drawing and sharing.
Thank you,
James from Covina Ca

Hi Terri,
Thank you for your nice, friendly, and helpful reply.
I attempted to update the drawing.


I attempted to increase some of the values, effort attached.


Hi @kare

Yes you totally understood what I was explaining. WOW, this is a much stronger drawing. Now keep practicing, sharing, and commenting on other people’s posts too.

Terri Robichon

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Hello @kare

Welcome to the forum! I love to see how your bee drawing evolved into a stronger one!
Keep posting your artwork, and yes to everything @robichon said!
Practice makes progress…

Sonia Alonzo

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ok, latest update.
I originally used Kalour Watercolor Pencils and have added Prisma

color Premier soft colored pencils.


Hi Kare -

Yes, once again a much stronger drawing. Now you’re learning how important it is to use layers with colored pencils. And Prismacolor Premier is indeed a good brand.

Terri Robichon


Thank you Terri for all your help and encouragement. I am learning so much, and quickly too. This is so amazing and fun!

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Wow @kare , I like how your last update turned out! Well done! Keep going, cant wait to see more of your art. And welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Kare :wave:
Im fairly new too. Haven’t done any art in a long long time.
Its great here …so much fun. Matt is a fabulous teacher, I have learnt so much already.
The forum is fabulous -everyone seems to be so friendly and eager to help. We are all at different levels with our art abilities and it’s really inspiring to see the art shared here and watch people from beginner level progress and those that are more experienced create wonderful art work.
Looking forward to seeing more of your work - have fun. :artist:


Welcome @kare , I think you will find the courses are very informative and this forum is also very useful and a fun place to interact.


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