A fast drawing today of the lighthouse course.
It has many fails but it is a drawing and I decided not to repeat it, I like.

Oxblood Diamine ink and Faber Castell Loom M nib.
A fast drawing today of the lighthouse course.
Fast?! That makes this piece EVEN more incredible! I love the railing at the top of the lighthouse, and how your differences in hatching convey different textures(water, rocks, wispy clouds)
Yeah, I decided to draw it fast, (I just wanted to try something agile with the fountain pen). Did not care if the light house is distorted or not… thank you so much.
I am just excited to see a fellow fountain pen user! If you like Ox blood, check out The color similar in the brand Monarca. (I forget the name, but it is gorgeous).
Oh. I love the taper ness of the lighthouse. Love the movement in the water. Love the detail at the top of the LH. Great sketch.
This is great for a fast one. Good job.
I love it! Its so pretty! O can pocture mermaids and giant squids frolicing nearby, its very captivating! Great job!
Jajaja that could complement the scene very nice!
Very Nice, especially for a fast job! WAY Bigger than my attempt as well, this one is about 5" square. My thumb covers the lighthouse. Cheated with white gel pen on a few contour clouds as well as the framing of the glass in projection area. I also used a few other images of Fastnet Lighthouse for reference on what I was seeing with that second lighthouse base in the middle which was converted to storage, not much “island” left of the island, looks almost 80% man made now. This was my favorite subject to draw in the entire course even if I didn’t get it perfect it was interesting yet “easy” relative to the more organic subjects.
I should have left off the background islands on the left and right, it’s too confusing with the sky messed up clouds.
Still, I don’t know how they moved all that material onto the island to build not one, but two lighthouses without anything looking like a somewhat accessible port that was away from rocks to get smashed against.
Very nice. Everything flows so nicely. Thank you for sharing