Most Recent Drawing or Painting

Hi @Lee ,
These are very nice drawings!
I really like how differently you approached ink and graphite.
You were able to make an ink drawing look loose but in the same time with many details. And in graphite you played with all the shadows and details so nicely! Really like it, keep going :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Once in awhile it’s nice to just ease off and do a loose drawing. I know I rushed it, even though it took a good day, but I wasn’t happy with my hatching so it went the way it did :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Lee -
So glad to have you here at the forum, sharing your delightful work. Keep them coming.

Terri Robichon

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Hi again @Lee

I just want to say that this building and arched doorway is my favorite. The range of values is very good and I really like the texture that you’ve created on the wall.

Terri Robichon

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Thank you so much for you kind comments!

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after the wonderful acrylic academy course :clap: using the underpainting method. [IMG_4967|395x500]Thank you Matt :blush:(upload://y40ykYxAmnYHMzjKTTcYrTGeJUO.jpeg)


Hi @diana2014

I don’t do much with acrylics but this is quite nice. I love the colors and mellow atmosphere. Thanks for sharing.

Terri Robichon

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Thank you Terri, it is a bad copy of the “Women with folded arms” by Picasso.
My discovery was that not many people, even school teachers, know or use acrylic mediums, thus missing a LOT of possibilities with acrylics. Until Matt’s course I was not aware also and I never tried acrylics since they looked too opaque for me (not transparent). So after learning drawing (pencils and charcoal) several months I finally moved to colors. I was looking for a natural way to go from black and white drawings to color and this Matt’s course did it for me. It is a good learning experience.


Thanks, Terri- Yes!! Why didn’t I see that?? It’s flat for sure. I went and watched Matt’s critique of Brenda’s dog portrait and then put new eyes on my pelican- I am going to work on it later today. I really appreciate your consideration and advice, thank you so much.


Welcome @Lee, your drawings are lovely. I am particularly drawn (get it?) to your horse- I can almost see how kind his eye must be! It really pulls at the heartstring, that one. Keep putting up your art- it’s wonderful. Wishing you good health, too. -Lisa

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I love this painting, @diana2014!

Working on a Lemons’ bouquet colored pencils drawing. It’s centered on a 20x20 paper. Using mostly Polychromos, Prismacolor, Luminance, some Holbein, and Derwent Colorfast, with odorless solvent. The focus is on the bouquet as a whole as opposed to detailing every single leaf.
Here’s my progress


Beautiful work Lee. I can relate, I also underwent open heart back in May and am really just now getting back into art. Thanks posting your work.

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Hi Sonia @Meme5

I love what you’re doing and am so happy you shared this so we can see your progress. You are a great artist, even though you won’t always admit it to yourself.

Terri (with 2Rs)

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What a beautiful apple! Very well done. You have great watercolor skills. Please keep posting. I love watercolors, and hope to one day become proficient at that (can’t think of the actual word I’m trying to say). In the meantime, I do mostly soft pastels, graphite, and colored pencils. I also do most everything Matt and Ashley are teaching online and on gettin’ sketchy, whichever medium they choose.

Sonia Alonzo AKA @Meme5

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Terri @robichon,

Thank you for always being so supportive. I totally appreciate all your kind comments. I have also been working on an eye. I can’t get the skin texture right and is killing my values every time I adjust a section of the skin. I will keep working enough so not to fill the tooth. I’m only using pastel pencils on this one, or might’ve used a pastel stick in the beginning.

Sonia Alonzo


Hi Sonia @Meme5
That eyeball looks incredibly shiny and moist. You do these so well. Are you still getting prepared for doing the family portrait?

Terri with 2r’s

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Terri @robichon
Thank you, I still have to fix up the eye some more.
I am working on drawing studies of one person at a time before adding them to the portrait. The pictures I have are so old and scratchy, it is super challenging, especially my mom’s younger self picture. After my grandmother died all the pictures were scattered to anyone who saw them and grabbed them…
This is one of the many drawings I’ve tried
From extra low quality pictures. I am trying my best to draw them all at younger ages to kind of match the “family portrait” style. But I might try to draw it as they are in age actually ( the five siblings are all late 60s and 70s years of age… any suggestions?


Hi Sonia @Meme5

I have a friend in England that has a Facebook page where they do photo restoration. He has helped me with some of my older family photos. If you want you can scan your damaged photos and email them to me, and I’ll ask for restoration help. For a please and thank you they do their best for no charge.

Terri w2rs