Most Recent Drawing or Painting

OMG, this is adorable!!! Thank you so much for showing your art.

I was nearing the last stages of this drawing, as I blended some areas of darker values, these splotches showed up!!! I thing my sweet cat sneezed on it :sob:. I tried every eraser I own and it all resurfaces when I apply more graphite. So it’s ruined :sob::sob::sob:
I will start all over again on new paper



Hi Sonia @Meme5

Oh no!!! I hate it when stuff like that happens. If you’re planning on starting over, first try gently using an ink eraser, or maybe even scrape off the spots with an exacto knife. It’s what I do when I’ve tried everything else. Sometimes it works.

Terri Robichon

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Just a quick hello to my Forum friends.

I haven’t been posting artwork for several weeks because I have been focusing on completing photographs and scrapbook layouts for my local county fair that is held in August every year. Last week was the 6 month milepost and as of a few hours ago I now have more than half the entries ready to go. (41 items done, out of the 80 possible entries that I’m hoping to finish). Here is the digital scrapbook layout that I completed today.

That means I can get back to working on drawings and paintings (my true love these days).

Terri Robichon


Terri w2r,

Thank you so much…I did try the ink eraser, but I will try the exacto blade before I start over.

Sonia Alonzo

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Terri w2rs,

Look at all those birds’ photographs!! I totally recognize the Eagle one from your drawing!
Wait, you said 80 Entries!!
Just don’t let your cat sneeze on any of those. Haha

I Love your scrapbooking. Thank you for posting to share. Sure have missed seeing your art around here…I totally look forward to seeing more paintings and drawings as well!

Sonia Alonzo

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Terri @robichon,

The gunk soaked and went through to deeper into the paper. One of the stains kind of looks like a sneezing cat :rofl:


So sad Sonia. Just consider it a lesson learned. I use to struggle a lot with my own fingerprints ruining paintings. I’m a lot more careful now.

Terri Robichon

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Dammit , bad puss ! Never mind , it’s very beautiful work and the spots look like freckles or skin blemishes maybe ?


Hers a little progress of my Lemons’ Bouquet. The more I do the more it shows all the blending and cleaning/softening ages needed to tackle. I really enjoy working on this one, the only thing is the size…I have to move to the kitchen table every time I work it because it’s 20 x 20. I can’t wait to finish to show you all see what y’all think!! :grin:


Hi Sonia @Meme5

The lemon project is indeed very lovely, and is being executed in a suburb fashion. I look forward to seeing it finished too.



Black cat cute version.
My online shop host company “minne” recently decided to have a charity campaign focusing on cat rescue. I wanted to join the campaign so took this opportunity to try my watercolor pencils.
I knew that somehow black cats are one of the last types of cats to be adopted, which is a total mystery to me, i.e. a crazy black cat lover, but I thought maybe I should draw black cats who look as cute as possible. Hence the set-up of this series; natural gentle background with lovely colorful flowers. I want all the black cats in the world.


Thank you Terri @robichon, I’m also restarting the little boy’s eyes in graphite. (What’s suburb fashion?, you know my art terminology is not fully acquired lol)

Sonia Alonzo

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Oh Maki,

Your Black cats are beautiful and adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, what a noble cause to be part of… you do have a heart of gold :yellow_heart:



Hi Maki.
I’m smiling so big because you and your cats are back in the forum - and with watercolor pencils this time. What beauties these black bundles of joy are and a wonderful cause.

Terri Robichon


Hi Sonia.

Suburb fashion:

a style that is exceptionally high quality, elegant, and sophisticated.

Terri Robichon

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This piece is amazing :star_struck: thanks for sharing!

Thank you Sonia @Meme5 and Terri @robichon!
Well, can you hear them say “Look how cute I am”? :cat2:

I really don’t have time for drawing right now but the campaign deadline is 17 Feb 23:59, so I squeezed this black cat drawing project into my schedule at the last minute. I wanted to prepare a series of cute style black cat drawings so I selected a small sized(89mm x 127mm), simple composition artwork. I tried the watercolor pencils for the first time, but they are not so different from pastels I used to draw with before. Layering, layering, layering, and layering to achieve a depth. I found that I can complete a drawing of this kind within 3 hours. This is a useful finding that I can utilize for my future project, which will be a “beautiful”, instead of “cute” style black cat series.
Just look how seriously black-cat-obsessed I am. :upside_down_face:


Nice! The pink flowers in each piece are a really nice touch. I never would have thought these were watercolor pencils. Really well done.

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Thank you so much for your kind words, @Bearinthegarden
Yes, I have been watching tons of cat videos and photos from all across the world, and have noticed that yellow, green and pink work quite well with black cats. You can tell that from, say, their mom/dad’s choice of the collars. Red is fine too, but in terms of “cuteness”, pink is better than red. If I want to emphasize the coolness or stylishness of black cats, red will work better than pink, I guess. I will try red too in my future work. Thank you again. :cat2: :grinning: :+1: