Paper makes a HUGE difference

Hi all, hope everyone had a good holiday. I know paper makes a difference but wow I didn’t realize it that much. I mainly, as in 99% of the time, use charcoal and chalk. I’ve only used Canson Mi Teintes pastel paper for my commissions and it’s good. Sometimes it felt like I was fighting the paper. I decided to try out Sennilier pastel paper. It’s about $5.50 a sheet of paper at 12x16 compared to Canson’s at about $2. For the ease of using it is great. The charcoal and chalk blends so well. Well worth it in my opinion. Hers one I’m working on for a friend. It’s just white chalk and a little charcoal for the eyes. Still have some more work to do on it but I love the progress


What an adorable pastel painting. Great job.


Thank you very much. Shes a cute little girl to draw

Oh, this is nice! I’ll put that paper on my ever growing list of supplies!

I do a lot of watercolor and in my opinion paper is King.
I had a Maltese that looked similar for 13+ years…still miss her, she was part of the family.

Excellent work!

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Thank you. My wife does the watercolor so she’s finding that out also.
Yeah pets become such a large part of the family. Bella, who is in the drawing, is for my friend and has had her since she was a puppy almost 18 years ago.

I know what you mean, I started off this year using mi teintes for coloured pencil, i still use it for some peices but love the forgiving nature of pastel mat especially for commisions. I`ll have to try the sennilier.

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