Pekes in Pastels

A Christmas commission I did in November. I took the month of December off to doChristmas stuff, but now I am anxious to get back to my pencils.


How beautiful! :slight_smile:


Oh, I love it. Good job!

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Adorable pooches. Great job!

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Waw. So nice and so cute. The softness of the fur is beautifully done. Great work.

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This is fantastic! Congrats on your commission on this.

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Thank you, I don’t get many commissions outside of pugs, so it’s fun and challenging when I do

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I love it when the artist takes the time to make the subject as real as possible. You hit the nail on the head with this one! Thanks for posting it.

Hi Lori,
Beautiful work!! Im just starting with Pastel Pencils, using Conte, which is supposed to be good quality. I’m very impressed with how dark the black is and how white the white is. I’ve been working on the Owl with pastel pencils and I’m having a problem with my colors being so intense. Do you have any tips on how you got that effect? Thanks so much, Brenda

Hi Brenda,

Thank you. My pencil that I love for black is Stabilo CarbOthello, I use this and then for the darkest areas I use Rembrandt soft pastels. For white, I use the same, although I like the white in Pitt Pastel too. I also have Prismacolor Nupastels which work great too. I think the Rembrandt would work with any pencil. You can buy them by the stick, so if you don’t have them, you could just buy the black and try it.

Thanks, Lori, I’ll try one of them, I think the Conte pastel pencils may be just too hard. Brenda

Lori, All of your artwork is suitable for framing! Great work done here.

Thank you so much, Jack.

What do you like about these particular pencils

Hi Jody,

I really love the color of the black in this pencil. You can add color or even as is, it doesn’t appear flat. The Rembrandt pastel is a nice tone of black that works well to darken recessed areas. I absolutely love the Rembrandt pastels, a lot less dust then other brands.

Wonderful well done it looks like a photograph

Thank you, Wayne, …