Pen and Ink drawings

Thanks for your comments, @Appelmoes. This course is now one of my faves, outranked only by 25 Days to Better Drawing. Subjects in Pen and Ink is not only teaching me about pen and ink, but my free-hand drawing skills have improved immensely already. I highly recommend both courses.

As for using your new dip pen with sepia ink, go for it! That’s how you’ll find out if you like the finished drawing or if you think you’d prefer the typical black ink. It’s by trying different things that our art grows and we discover our “style.” Be brave and adventurous with your art. :slight_smile:


I loved stippling this orchid. However my drawing wasn’t completely accurate on the flower to the right. The drawing part took a long time for me, but overall I really enjoyed doing this lesson. I want to do more stippling.


Mushrooms. Some fun fungi.


My favorite so far. I can’t stop looking at it!!!


Meh. Not my fave. Sushi with nib pens. Perhaps it will get better as I move through the food drawings. Sorry it’s so dark.

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Brenda, you are such an inspiration. I love your dedication. You do make me want to do it straightaway. I am trying to finish off my hummingbird in coloured pencils (painstakingly slow) but as soon as I am done, I’m right into inking. Thank you for sharing all your art and thoughts. :star_struck:

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Thank you so much, Janar75. I can’t fathom my life without art in it. I’ve been a member here at TVI since July of 2022. I registered to help me get through the unbearably hot summer that year. Well, it has just managed to also get me through the unbearable hot summer of 2023. LOL!! This pen and ink course has been so beneficial, because it has really improved my ability to free draw accurately and more rapidly. I’m excited to see how much it improves by the end of the 31 drawings.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! Good luck with your hummingbird. I’ve done the Three Little Birds, and enjoyed it tremendously.


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All of your pen & ink drawing looks so awesome and detailed! Guess I’ll share mine too? (some of you know I work digitally, but I also like to create pieces traditionally) I also decided to be more like a photographer with this one :wink: :camera_flash: The beautiful sunlight God created shining on my sketchbook!

Base was with a 2H pencil, which is a bit lighter than your standard pencil; Sketch used HB, and Refined had a darker 2B in charge of tightening those lines more clearly before proceeding to inks. After the inks, I went ahead and filled areas with black, which gave the art more substance and contrast. I used fineliners and brush pens for the inks.


Oh, thank you so much for sharing this and your process! I love seeing where you started and the finished drawing. Do you publish your work?

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Thank you for enjoying it @Brenda ! It was really fun to create. Yes, I publish my work on my website, ! :smile: :pen:

Hi Brenda,

I really like this one too. Well done. Thanks for all that you keep on sharing. I’m not getting much artwork done right now so it’s fun to see all that you are accomplishing.

Terri Robichon

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Thanks, Terri. I hope you are able to get back to art soon. It is such a soothing part of my life.


And the avocado. This was a fun one to do. :slight_smile:


Today’s drawing in pen and ink, with nibs.


Can’t sleep? Draw an ice cream sundae! Pen and ink, squiggly marks.


What a challenge! But I am in love with this technique and am so looking forward to doing more courses and projects involving ink and wash. Watercolor and ink wash. I cannot wait to try a bird in this style.

This is the first time I’ve touched ink wash. The cherries are ok. I had to recover highlights with a Posca marker. But I’m just elated with finally making myself do this even though my head had convinced me I wouldn’t like it and probably couldn’t do it!!! TVI is the best thing to ever happen to me creatively.


I tackled the Sunflowers over the last few days.


How beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing them. My husband, who is an agronomist, loved them. He said they would be great images for an identification example. He and our homeschooled granddaughter have been studying plant/animal/bacteria classification in science.

For me, your drawing is simply a beautiful piece of art that I love looking at. :heart: thank you, again for sharing it.



All your drawings are so beautiful. Ink work it’s not easy to me but you make it look like it’s super easy. I’ve been working on soft pastels, taking my time, a few minutes at a time. Have not been able to tune in for full live lessons so I’m way far behind… sometimes every day life is far to catch up with :hot_face:
Like Dory said, “Just keep swimming.”


Thank you so much! I am on lesson #17 of the Subjects with Pen and Ink course. When I started, I couldn’t make broken lines look right, I’d forget about the form of the object, so cross contour lines were wonky. I worried so much about getting the inking “right” that I missed a lot in the first few drawings. After I relaxed and realized how soothing and enjoyable pen and ink drawing is, I began to see great improvement. When I did the two cherries with ink wash, I was obsessed. I searched and found Matt’s tutorial with the little bird, and now I can’t wait to do the next lesson and also start doing some of our local birds in ink and wash. I’m hooked! I never thought I’d be able to do anything that was “loose.”

I still love doing hyper-realistic pastel drawings of animals and will not leave that behind. However, I may have time for nothing but art. I have a lot of ground to make up for, having given up on art years ago. It took a pandemic, an unbearable hot Texas summer, and The Virtual Instructor, Matt and Ashley to bring me back in. I’m so happy about this part of my life right now and love learning every single day. Some days I do two pen and ink sessions. I can’t wait to get to my studio in the mornings. If I can’t sleep, you might find me here in the wee hours of the morning.

Sorry to go on and on, but I’m just so excited about this whole new world of art that I thought was beyond my capabilities and my desires. Boy was I wrong! Thanks again for your kind words, and I hope you’ll give ink a try.
