Prefered medium of subscribers

hello Matt; Any idea what is the preferred medium of the subscribers ?

   Also,I draw on a flat surface but am wondering what angle your surface is that we see in the live sessions. I'm thinking of purchasing a  desktop easel.      tom
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Hi Thomas,

For a while I drew and painted on a tilted surface at the drafting table. My equipment was on another flat table. With my current setup, this isn’t possible since I have two computers and another monitor on the table with me. I prefer to work slightly tilted.

As far as what most people work with, my guess is graphite. The courses on basic drawing are the most popular. My best guess as far as popularity goes is as follows…

  1. Graphite
  2. Pen and ink
  3. Colored pencils
  4. Watercolor
  5. Acrylics
  6. Pastels
  7. Charcoal
  8. Oils
  9. Everything else

Hi, any suggestions for the best medium to use on a portrait.
I want to be able to get a 92yo laugh lines to look realistic.

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Hi Bagga, I work in graphite for all ages. I love using graphite and white chalk on toned gray paper as the tone supplies some of the variation necessary. However I have done satisfying work with prisma colour pencils. I have played a little with watercolour and am generally less pleased with results in this medium. I guess I am really just most adept at present with the graphite; I enjoy its flow and the ease with which I can adjust the drawing as compared with other mediums that I use. I would probably choose graphite for my Aged Person portrait.

This one was done on 140gsm Black Sugar Paper by Winsor and Newton using chalk.


Thanks for your input Marrhys. Ill have a go at it and hope I can get somewhere near as good as yours is. Nice work.

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