Subject : 3 Little Birds

Here is my BlueJay try … :face_with_peeking_eye:
Planning to complete that course but I am waiting my shipment from Amazon for those spectacular Prisma Colours!
I’ve never thought I will be able to create art like that! Thanks to Virtual Instructor


Ver nice, the background really makes that stand out. I did that one too some time ago with Prisma, awesome pencils.

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@Pankok So glad you’re sharing your progress with these lessons. Nicely done.

Terri Robichon


Hi! Didn’t you say that you are kind of new to art?? It’s hard to believe with such good results. Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you so much I am currently working on first bird.Amazon shipped my order earlier. Prisma Colours on hand

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Yes mom I haven’t event a year started to draw