Pen & ink course drawings

Jennilein, I would do the exercises with both. Matt does use dip pens in some of the lessons in this course. Now ink is one of my favorite mediums to work with. I also enjoy using colored inks. Never knew about Ink before joining the VI.

Enjoy the journey!


Thank you, I will do that then. I bought some nibs lately bc I just borrowed one of the type 2 from the materials video, which is very rigid.
I knew about ink as I have tried calligraphy in the past, but without success. I used technical pens quite a bit for some caricatures and the like. However my understanding of both technical pens and nib pens is extremely poor with lots and lots of blotches and smudging. I hope the course will change this for me!

Happy drawing & painting!

Here is my first drawing ever with a nib pen. (Freehand as I don’t have a printer and the grid confuses me)
What I noticed was, that the lines sometimes got thicker even without much pressure (dimple, front right side) and thus got a little dark. Is this due to pulp building up? Too much inkfliw (I feel like I need to reload a lot)
Other than that it was a challenge but I like it! Tips and critique welcome

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Hello @Jennilein nice job. Everyone starts somewhere. Challenging picture to try on your first experience with nib pens. Then freehanding the sketch…you still did a good job conveying the image and values.


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Hi Jennilein - this portrait is really nice! Well done.

Terri Robichon

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I call this one done since I accidently washed the mannequin’s foot in ink and had to make the whole side darker.
Not unhappy with the resukt, especially the box and shadows given my very poor value scales from before.
Critique and comments always welcome

Also: if someone knows how to clean the palette afterwards? I scrubbed mine with soap and a papertowel/my hands. I still have stains. It’s plastic. If you can recommend some other material, I’d appreciate it. I use the palette for watercolour, too. So black background is an issue

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The important thing with palettes is that they are glass or ceramic, then you can always clean anything off of them easily. Plastic will always stain. You could try soaking the plastic in bleach and see if that helps.

For acrylic and oil paints, use a piece of glass. Cut the same size piece of white foam core board and put behind the glass. Tape all the edges with wide masking tape or packing tape to hold the layers together and you are ready to use. Dried or wet paint can be scraped off easily with a single edged razor blade.

For watercolors, I went to the household aisles of a Walmart (or Target) to the white ceramic dishes, and buy plates that curve up at the sides to help contain the liquid. My favorites are 5-3/4" x 10" and I have 5 or 6 of them. (I always have multiple projects going at a time.)

I went to Hobby Lobby (or any craft / art supply store) for a divided circular ceramic palette for the inks. After being rinsed out I use a scrubby sponge to clean them. The ones I have are 4-3/4" diameter. (see attached photos). Hope this helps.

Terri Robichon

This is the watercolor palette I’m currently using for the Snow Dog - Live Lesson

I might have a couple of these for a project, using inks that are more watered down in different spots, making it easier for me to have several values going at the same time.

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Thanks, I thought about getting ceramics, but was on a budget when I bought it. I. didn’t think of just buying some ceramic plates, but that is a great idea! I will try to find something cheap and affordable this way

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I only spent a couple bucks on those plates. Try shopping the Dollar Store.

Terri Robichon

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Just finished the drawing. I’m quite happy how this cutie turned out.
And that’s the last one from this course. I leaned a lot, cheated a bitand used a 0.05 for the grey beard and the part where ear meets background and used the gel pen in the eye and smeared it with my finger. I had fun with this, although myhands look quite colourful now :rofl:
Looking forward to your comments

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