Scratchboard Bee - Live Lesson

I’m wondering if anyone else is working on the current Live Lesson. I watched the first 4 lessons when they were live and decided today it was time to get started.

This is the very first time I’ve tried scratchboard, so I’ve been hesitant. I bought 1 board that is 9x12 (like Matt is using) and a package of three 5x7 boards so I could practice. After looking at that big board I was freaked out and decided to give it a try with the smaller 5x7 instead.

I was also concerned about getting lost when scratching the bee and decided to start with the background first, and then working on the bee. That also gave me a chance to get used to the scratching tools before ruining anything on the bee. I used some of the steel wool that was in my scratchboard tool set on the background and it made an interesting texture.

One other thing to share. I still have the reference photo taped to the top of my board and I’m tracing the guide lines as I get to each section of the drawing. I had drawn the entire thing to start with but I kept getting lost so I erased that after I finished the head and am now tracing as I go. This approach is working better for me.

Terri Robichon


That’s looking great, Terri. I’m not doing the project, but I have been watching. I’m fascinated by the ease with which Matt does the work. I’m currently trying to concentrate my learning time on watercolors, so opted to only watch this series. I imagine you’ll have it well under control by the time you finish this smaller version. Do you plan to do the larger version as well?


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That’s a no on doing it larger. Would rather keep my eyes open for other subjects to try in the future. I already have three other partially completed projects that need to be finished.

Terri Robichon

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Wow - you are such an inspiration! i am not participating in this one because I get overwhelmed with all the art stuff I already have. I have been checking in and hope to make it this week for chatting and watching.


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I get overwhelmed too. On this one my husband gave me a little boost when he asked if I was going to use all that new scratchboard stuff that was delivered several weeks ago. He doesn’t mind if I buy it, as long as I use it.

Terri Robichon

Looks great! Can’t wait to see the completed bee. I will try it in the far future.

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Hello Terri (with2r’s)

You are off to a great start. But no surprise to me.

I have sketched mine out on black paper. Since I can’t use sharp tools, I am still trying to decide if I use ink, gel pens, white charcoal and make my own version of this gigantic bee.

Doing it in a smaller version was smart thinking.

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Hi Teri (with 1r),
Please let us see whatever you end up doing. I love how well you adapt as needed. You have such a positive attitude and are so supportive of everyone.

Terri (with 2r’s)

Okay, so I started on the scratchboard bee. I am using black paper and decided to use a .05 gel pen.

I apologize that the picture is a bit dark, this is what I have so far,



Hi Teri (with one r) -
This alternate approach without the sharp scratch tools is working . And what you’ve drawn so far is great. Based on the time of the post, looks like you were awake last night. Hope you’re feeling okay.

Terri (with 2r’s) Robichon

That’s great that you came up with an alternative media @TLP ! I wouldn’t have thought of that. I can’t use sharp tools either (blood thinners) :pensive: But I do have some black paper and just acquired gel pens & white charcoal.

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Hi Tania -
We all learn from each other here. Sounds like you’re ready to give the (alternate) scratchboard project a go. Good luck.

Terri Robichon

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Hello Terri @robichon , I don’t know how I missed this chain, but think you are doing great. Teri @TLP , I like your approach as well. I’m not doing this one, at least not at this time. I too have several other projects, I’m working on., but watching as I can.


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Hello Terri with 2 r’s.

The fine point gel pen works really great. I was amazed as I have never used gel pens for artwork, I could think of investing in some fine point ones (.05) as they work like ink.

I also used a .005 black Micron and this helped to define the black marks. The black is identical to my paper. I am really glad I gave it a try.

I generally cannot fall asleep until 6am or later(earlier??) and sleep between medicine alarms till around 3 - 4 pm. I’m on newborn timetable - lol!

Teri w 1r

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Hi Teri - I kinda guessed it was just a different sleeping schedule. You just keep sleeping whenever you can. I still owe you a letter but probably won’t get to it till the middle of the week.

Terri Robichon


I was amazed how well it worked. I also use a .005 micron to help define the black fur/hairs on the bee, I hope you give it a try!



Thanks @Lenetg137,

Lenet thanks for your encouragement. I am liking the ability to apply what I’ve learned in other lessons to make changes to adapt. I miss so many chains of lessons too.

I saw your latest piece but then did not have energy to respond. I really liked it, turned out nice, I really like the colors that you used.


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Hello Terri,

Thank you for understanding and encouraging. I will look forward to your letter whenever you have time to send it. Still working on a card for Anne. I am a bit behind on everything these days!!


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I really admire you, Teri, for adapting to another medium and going for it with the bee. I’m watching the live lessons, but scratchboard doesn’t interest me at this point. I’m spending most of my time with watercolors.

Keep up the great work!


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A little more progress -

IMG_1824 (1) progress 1