Tasmanian bush scene

I was reminded about my first effort with oil pastels after seeing @Meme5 post her impasto sky painting just recently so I thought I’d share it with you guys too. I used a photo I took out while out in the bush not far from where I live in New Town, Tasmania. We were exploring the ruins of some old homesteads. The water in the distance is the River Derwent.


Lovely oil pastel painting! Good control of the medium as you achieved good details, and depth perspective besides being your first attempt… very impressive! I hope you keep posting your work to share with all of us here.


I certainly will Sonia, I was using Cray Pas and Sennelier. Those Sennelier are definitely lovely to use. Thanks so much for your kind comments.

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That is beautiful! Great job with those oil pastels

Hi Cathy - wonderful painting @cmhales7. I love how you created the texture of the tall grasses in the foreground by “scratching” away the oil pastel. It is easy to forget how effective that technique is. Thanks for sharing your work.

Terri Robichon

Thanks Junenez, when I first did it I thought it was a bit rubbish but I put it aside as I was told you should never throw any piece away and recently I was going through my practice pieces showing my daughter and she said she liked it, isn’t that funny and now I see it through different eyes :heart_eyes: