Water Mixable Oils - Field of Red Flowers

I started this lesson months ago, then put it aside before it was done. I finally finished it. I tend to work more photo realistically, so this was a good way for me to break out from my normal style. I’m also fairly new to oil painting (watercolor is my typical painting media).
Terri Robichon


Hello Terri @robichon I relly like this one. Great job.

It is fun to break away from your comfort zone sometimes.



Hi lenetg137 - I appreciate your kind words and your participation here on the forum. I love to follow your artwork. I remember that you are an architect. I am a retired commercial interior designer so we have somewhat related professional backgrounds. All things creative is in our blood.

Terri Robichon

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You did a great job. I love it.

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Lovely! Is this on the website? It looks similar to one of the older lessons. If so, you really made it your own. Like I said, lovely!


Hi Teri (with one R) -

Thanks for always being so nice. The world needs more people like you.

Yes this is one of Matt’s lessons. To find it go to: Painting Lessons / Oils // Landscape // and there it is called “Field of Red Flowers - Oils”

Terri (with two R’s)

Wonderful job on this first foray in watermixable oils. I love the movement of the grasses.
Well done!

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Terri @robichon,

Things new to my eyes are starting to pop out all of the sudden. The algorithm is bringing it all together!
So happy I got to ser this post of yours, which I loove!

Sonia Alonzo

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