My efforts for this subject truly are sketchy! It was a fun exercise and makes me want to try a few more close-up flowers. I started drawing along, but had to go back to the video to finish afterwards.
Brenda that’s beautiful! I did mine again in coloured pencils and just can’t get the background looking like petals.
Thank you, Teresa! I had a hard time with the little stems. But it took me outside my box, and that’s great!
I can see how colored pencils would be difficult to achieve the abstract nature of the petals with.
I might use yours as a guide and take another run at the petals if I can find time before next week. I’m looking forward to ink with Ashley next week!
I think ink is the medium I’m least skilled with! I’m a little apprehensive but excited to have an opportunity to use ink and learn about the artist.
Love it! I will try that close up flower too!
This is not sketchy at all. You did a wonderful job.
I have been doing close ups of flowers like this for years. When I have left over paint from acrylics, I paint the on 2.5’ x 3.5’ ampersandt (sp) boards and then turn them into magnets. It is a practical way for me to use up left over paint and not waste them. It is fun too!
Thanks, Teri!! What a great idea for you to use up left-over acrylic in such a creative fashion! Since I’m only painting every now and then, I don’t have the problem of left-over paint. I have acrylics and the water-soluble oils, but I’d rather draw or learn to use ink better than to paint.
You could do something similar with inks on a guessoed panel board.
Teri, maybe I should have chosen ink and wash for my cow, but I’m excited to try the graphitint pencils. I’ll make a new thread for that in a bit.
I was sad to miss this one. Hopefully I will motivate to try on my own.
Brenda - looks amazing!!!
This is wonderful Brenda
I just finished mine. Of course, I didn’t start mine until after the live gettin’ sketchy was over. And even then I took more like 4 hours, rather than 45 minutes.
Matt had talked about being uncertain about having those purple stubs in the background. I decided to do mine without them.
Terri Robichon
I congratulate you for working along with Matt for as long as you did. I could tell that Matt was struggling some because of the time constraint, and not being able to put his hands on the right purple.
I’ve posted mine, but I took my time and used all the chalks and pan pastels in my stash of art supplies.
Terri Robichon
So O’keeffe it is!! You can handle any medium so well, you’re making me sound like Yoda haha.
I’m about to start the flower close-up. Anything soft pastel I try… wish me luck
@Brenda Thank you for starting the O’keefe thread with your flower!
It’s beautiful! I can never work fast enough to keep up with Matt’s or Ashley’s pace.
Good luck, but I know you can do this. The secret is to take your time.
Terri Robichon
Here’s my O’keefe flower, I tried to follow along with the video as Matt drew. The cleaning up edges after finished took a lot of effort as I changed some colors I thought I saw on my laptop screen. Then somehow I lost a stamen’s filament (I googled flower parts lol) which remained lost…
So this is sketchy with a capital S.
I don’t think I’ll try following along again- if ever-
any time soon as the lesson progresses live.
I totally agree with what @robichon said “take your time”. My outcomes are better and more satisfying than rushing then trying to fix stuff.
Hi Sonia - You don’t give yourself enough credit. You did a really good job with this one. Thanks for always trying and then posting. That’s the best way all of us have of improving our art. And yes, we can all always improve.
Terri Robichon