Your graphite drawings

This is a mutual topic for our graphite drawings. :slightly_smiling_face: You can post here your best/latest drawings. Let’s critique each others’s work and exchange opinions!


I’ll start first. This is the drawing I did last night. What do you think?


Nice Marina, you really captured the expression and makes me think what the bird is thinking.

Here is a graphite drawing I just finished recently. Took me a long time. I like to use H pencils and layer on top of the first layer. This helps me a little more with the lighting. All feedback is welcome.


I am really glad you had this idea and hope many members participate.


Hey TLP. Thanks for particepating!:slightly_smiling_face: Lion is really a difficult subject. I think you’ve captured the essence of the fur well. But I think the nose and jaw are not somehow in the right angle with the rest of the face. And paws are a bit small. Eye is very good captured. Congatulations for the drawing, I wouldnt have courage to do the lion yet!

I think this is great the way it is. Good job.

Maybe Just darken the eyes a little. Also Put a little bit of darkness in head. Otherwise I think it is great.

Both graphite works are beautiful and well done.

I have been trying some graphite portraits during lockdowns. Here is one of them…

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hello Marina. Great idea to have a themed posting place.

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I admire anyone who draws portraits. I really want to try, have done a couple but am still insecure with portraits. Was this just a quick sketch that you did? How long have you been drawing with graphite?

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Marina and Denise. Thank you for your suggestions. I look forward to seeing more graphite drawings and learning together through our artistic endeavours.



It took about 45 min to do it… I am still learning to be more realistic and spend more time on it but I am very impatient when it comes to time.


I love how you did the chin and neck. I really think patience is the key. Often it tourns out how much you give, that much you get, so to say. Matt also always talks about patience and time spent.

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Hello Marrhys and thank you.:slightly_smiling_face: Hope you will join in with your art!

Great idea, hope you like it. Look forward to hear every ones thoughts


Whoa! This is a great lion! Looks so angry! Love how you captured the emotion. Perhaps more of the darker tones in the shadows would make the drawing even better! Great job.

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Thanks it was a lot of fun to do, just wish I could take a better pic.

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Hello Larrry,

I think you did a really nice job. The expression looks like he might just jump off the paper. How long have you been drawing with Graphite? I really enjoy drawing animals, birds too.


Thanks Teri, I just started drawing a month before the pandemic hit. I’m so happy you like it.


an edited gesture sketch - the first I tried…

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